Born on 2 February 1962 in Ostrów Wielkopolski; son of the civil servants Antoni Śliwiński and Barbara, née Marc. He was a pupil at Grammar School No. I in Ostrów Wielkopolski. In his fourth year there, he was a finalist in the Tenth Edition of the Olympiad in Polish Literature and Language. In 1981, he completed his advanced secondary education and started a degree in Polish philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznan. He also studied sociology for a short period. In 1985, he was appointed assistant at the Department of Literary Theory (which in 1988 became the Chair of Literary Theory) at the Institute of Polish Philology (IFP) at UAM. In 1986, he graduated with a master's degree in Polish philology and started a doctoral project. His research largely focused on twentieth-century literature from the perspective of literary and critical theory. He made his debut in 1987 with a review of Jacek Trznadel's Hańba domowa (Domestic Disgrace) titled To nie wymagało wielkiego charakteru – o wywiadach Jacka Trznadla z pisarzami (This did not demand great character – on Jacek Trznadel's interviews with writers), which appeared in the periodical "Obecność" (no. 20) that was published outside the reach of state censorship. He also published critical texts and articles in other periodicals and publications that appeared outside the official censorship system, including "Komentarz" (1988; using the pseudonym: Andrzej Marcinkowski) and the glossary Do współczesności (Towards Contemporaneity; Wroclaw: 1989; using the pseudonyms: Paweł Śliwa, P.S.). His reviews published under the pseudonyms Jan Kowalski and J. Kowalski appeared in the weekly "Wprost" (1990; he also contributed columns to the series Literatura na nowo obecna [Literature that is Present Again], which also featured Przemysław Czapliński, Jan Karłowski, and Wiesław Kot and in the newspaper "Gazeta Wielkopolska" (1992). During this period he also started collaborating with the periodical "Arkusz" (1992-97; including in 1995 the column Książki, zabawki, artykuły papiernicze [Books, Toys, Stationery], written with Przemysław Czapliński, "Polonistyka" (from; including the regular column Przegląd prasy [Press Review]) and "Res Publika Nowa" (from 1994). In 1994, he defended his doctoral thesis, Powieści popularne Tadeusza Dołęgi-Mostowicza jako próba krytyki kultury (Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz's Popular Novels as an Attempt at Cultural Criticism), which was supervised by Prof. Jerzy Ziomek (who died in 1990) and then by Prof. Janina Abramowska. He was awarded the Young Arts Medal in 1994 by the editorial board of the daily newspaper "Głos Wielkopolski" and the Brun Symbolic Prize (in the field of criticism – the small coffee and biscuit award), awarded in 1998 by the editors of the periodicals "Okolica Poetów" and "Czas Kultury". Between 1994 and 2002, he collaborated with the German Guardini Foundation, primarily as a participant in international sessions and panels on literary criticism. He contributed numerous entries to the 1996 Wielka Ilustrowana Encyklopedia Gutenberga (The Gutenberg Great Illustrated Encyclopaedia). Between 1996 and 2014, he was editor-in-chief of the journal "Polonistyka", before joining the periodical's editorial board. His articles, reviews and interviews appeared in periodicals and newspapers, including the bulletin "Megaron" (1995-98; including some using the initials: P.Ś.; primarily interviews conducted together with Przemysław Czapliński), "Nowe Książki" (from 1996), "Tygodnik Powszechny" (from 1998), "Gazeta Wyborcza" (from 2000), and in "Dziennik". Between 1996 and 2006, he was responsible for the UAM student literary journal "Pro Arte". He was in the United States in 2000, having received a grant to take part in the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. Between 2001 and 2008, he was a member of the editorial committee of the yearbook "Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka", alongside Przemysław Czapliński and Zbigniew Przychodniak. In 2002, he was awarded a habilitation degree for his study Przygody z wolnością. Uwagi o poezji współczesnej (Adventures with Freedom: Remarks on contemporary poetry) and was subsequently appointed associate professor at UAM. In 2002, he was nominated for the prestigious Passport (Paszport) prize of the weekly "Polityka". He participated in the collaborative national research projects "Polskie dziedzictwo kulturalne w zjednoczonej Europie" (Polish cultural heritage in a united Europe) and "Humanizm. Idee, nurty i paradygmaty humanistyczne w kulturze polskiej" (Polish Humanism: Humanist ideas, trends and paradigms in Polish culture). On several occasions, in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009, he served as curator of the international poetry festival Poznań Poetów. He participated in numerous academic conferences and sessions, including many that he co-organized. He appeared on the Polish Television show Telewizyjne Wiadomości Literackie (Television Literary News) and as a regular guest on programmes broadcast on Polish Radio 2 and the Poznan-based Radio Merkury. In 2005, alongside Przemysław Czapliński, he created the major study programme in literary criticism at the Institute of Polish Philology at UAM. Between 2006 and 2013, he chaired the Chapter of the Gdynia Literary Prize. He was also a juror for many other literary competitions, including the Lodz-based J. Bierezin prize, the Poznan-based K. Janicki prize, the Polish Association of Book Publishers' Prize, and the Poznan Review of New Books. In 2006, he was a visiting lecturer at the University of Kiel, Germany, leading seminars in literary criticism. In 2007, he was appointed head of the Department of Poetics and Literary Criticism at IFP UAM. In the academic year 2008/09, he established a regular course at UAM, Wyspa Literatury (Literary Island), which was led by famous writers. In 2008, he received the Kazimierz Wyka prize. He was later appointed to its jury. He further developed his collaboration with the Catholic weekly "Tygodnik Powszechny" and its books supplement "Książki w Tygodniku", where from 2010 he published the regular column Ziemie Niczyje [No Man's Lands]. His reviews and articles continued to appear in the daily "Gazeta Wyborcza". From 2011 to 2016, he served on the jury of the Silesius Wroclaw Poetry Prize. In 2015, he was appointed chair of the chapter of the Poznan Literary Prize. In 2016, he was appointed to the Council of the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature, Warsaw. He joined the Centre for Avant-Garde Studies at the Jagiellonian University, which was established in 2016. In 2017/18, he was director of Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Studies at UAM. In 2008, he received the medal for Dedication to a Free Poland, awarded by the President of the City of Poznan on the 25th anniversary of Fighting Solidarność (Solidarność Walcząca). He married the Polish studies scholar Dorota Kulesza, with whom he has a son, Krzysztof (b. 1997). Śliwiński lives in Zakrzewo, near Poznan.
1. Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz. Poznań: Rebis 1994, 174 s. Czytani Dzisiaj.
2. Kontrapunkt. Rozmowy o książkach. [Współautor:] P. Czapliński. Poznań: Obserwator 1999, 247 s.
3. Literatura polska 1976-1998. Przewodnik po prozie i poezji. [Współautor:] P. Czapliński. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1999, 428 s. Wyd. nast. tamże: dodruk 2000, wyd. 2 poprawione 2000, wyd. 3 2002.
4. Poezja polska po 1968 roku. [Współautor:] A. Legeżyńska. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne 2000, 205 s.
5. Tadeusz Różewicz. [Szkic]. [Przeł.] U. Bischof. Red.: E. Kalinowska-Styczeń, M. Baran. Kraków: Villa Decius. Arbeitsgruppe Literatur Polska 2000, 2000, 27 s.
6. Przygody z wolnością. Uwagi o poezji współczesnej. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 2002, 273 s.
7. Literatura polska XX wieku. [Współutorki:] B. Kaniewska, A. Legeżyńska. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie 2005, 322 s. Zrozumieć Literaturę.
8. Świat na brudno. Szkice o poezji i krytyce. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka 2007, 365 s. Impuls.
9. Horror poeticus. Szkice, notatki. Wrocław: Biuro Literackie 2012, 218 s. Szkice – Biuro Literackie, 16.
10. Stanisław Barańczak. Monografia w toku [on-line]. Lublin: Ośrodek „Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN” 2015 Monografie w toku. Kompendia multimedialne. Dostępny w Internecie: Zob. link [dostęp 15 marca 2024] .
11. Po całości... Szkice, punkty. [Współautorzy:] K. Hoffmann, M. Jaworski. Poznań: „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne” 2016, 224 s. Prace Instytutu Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
12. Niepozorność znaczeń. Szkice i preteksty. Poznań: Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna i Centrum Animacji Kultury w Poznaniu 2022, 280 s. Wielkopolska Biblioteka Poezji, 43.
Artykuły w czasopismach i książkach zbiorowych,
Prace redakcyjne
Inne formy wydań
Inne formy wydań
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 2008.
Autor o sobie
Literatura polska 1976-1998
Poezja polska po 1968 roku
Przygody z wolnością
Literatura polska XX wieku
Świat na brudno
Zob. też Wywiady.