Born on 13 September 1964 in Piaseczno, near Warsaw; son of the lawyer and hydraulic engineer Tadeusz Mirosław Ziemkiewicz and Wanda Karena, née Rozbicka. He moved to Warsaw in 1968, where he was a pupil at the A. Tobiszewski Grammar School No. XLIV. In 1981, he co-founded the Trust literary group, which was active until 1985 and featured young science-fiction writers. He was also a co-founder of the young writers' Creators' Club (Klub Twórców). He made his debut in 1982 with the short story Z palcem na spuście (Finger on the trigger), which appeared in the periodical "Odgłosy" (no. 16). That year, he received a prize for his short story Cortex Cerebri and a distinction for the short story Pilot in the National Competition for Science-Fiction Writing (Ogólnopolski Konkurs na utwory o tematyce science-fiction), organized by the SFAN Fantasy Club and the Youth Publishing Agency (Młodzieżowa Agencja Wydawnicza). He completed his advanced secondary education in 1983 and took a degree in Polish philology at the University of Warsaw (UW). During this period, he published prose pieces and reviews in the periodicals "Odgłosy" (1982-83), "Młody Technik" (1983-84 and 1986), and "Fantastyka" (1984-90), while also collaborating with the independent STOP publishing house. He was a member of the editorial board of the monthly "Fantastyka" and of the jury of the "Fantastyka" Everlasting Competition for science-fiction short stories. He was awarded a master's degree in 1988 for his thesis Science Fiction, Fantasy, Fandom – fantastyka jako zjawisko kulturowe (Science Fiction, Fantasy, Fandom: Fantasy literature as a cultural phenomenon), which was supervised by Prof. Roch Sulima. Between 1990 and 1993, he was editor-in-chief of the fantasy literature periodical "Fenix", also contributing numerous texts between 1990 and 1996, and again in 2000. He made a living from odd jobs and freelance work, including editing books for the Amber publishing house. He spent a year working as a journalist and columnist for Radio Wawa, initially preparing news reports and then as head of the information section. He also collaborated with Polish Radio 4, including presenting the series Literatura nie-poważna (Not High Literature), which discussed popular literature. He subsequently worked as a social and political journalist, publishing texts in the weekly "Najwyższy Czas!", which was associated with the liberal-conservative party Real Politics Union (Unia Polityki Realnej, UPR) and from 1991 edited by Janusz Korwin-Mikke. He moved his regular column Zero zdziwień (No wonder) to the rival weekly "Gazeta Polska" in 1996. He joined the UPR in 1993 and served as its press officer until 1995, before joining its Main Council. He resigned from the party in 1997, withdrawing from active involvement in politics for a time. In 1993, he also worked as head of the Civilization section and the Comment section at the weekly "Gazeta Polska", to which he also contributed features and political columns. He received a four-month fellowship from the National Forum Foundation in 1995, working at the Press Department of the congressional Republican Party and at the party's State Office in Seattle (WA). After leaving "Gazeta Polska" in 1997, he became a freelance journalist. He published articles, reviews and column pieces in periodicals including "Nowa Fantastyka" (1991, 1993-98, 2003-05, and 2011) and "Magazyn Literacki" (1992 and 1996-99; including in 1996-97 the regular column Literatura nie-poważna [Not High Literature]). He was also a regular contributor to the daily newspaper "Rzeczpospolita" (including the regular column Felieton na zaproszenie [Invited column]), the weekly "Polityka" (1998-2001), and "Czas Kultury" (1998-2001 with the column Felieton na początek wieku [Column at the Start of a Century]). He continued to contribute to "Gazeta Polska". He was also a regular commentator for "Informator Ekonomiczny Trójki" (1993-2001), an economics show on Polish Radio 3, and author of the regular segment Plusy dodatnie, plusy ujemne (Positive Plusses and Negative Plusses) on Radio Plus (1997-99). He also collaborated with Polish Television (TVP), working on the following shows for TVP 1: Kawa czy herbata (Tea or Coffee? 1997-2000), the cultural show Ring (2006-07); for TV Biznes: Bugaj contra Ziemkiewicz (Bugaj versus Ziemkiewicz, 2006-08); for TVP Historia: Kontrowersje (Controversies) and together with Sławomir Sierakowski Pojedynek (Duel, 2007-09); and for TVP Info: O co chodzi (What's Going On?, which was later renamed Antysalon Ziemkiewicza [Ziemkiewicz's Anti-Salon], 2007-09) and Poranek Info (Info Morning). He made regular appearances with Jan Pietrzak's cabaret group "Pod Egidą" with his monologue pieces Uwagi redaktora (Editor's Notes). During this period, he continued to collaborate with various periodicals. From 2001 to 2003, he was a regular columnist for the current affairs weekly "Wprost" and also cooperated with the monthly "Science Fiction" (2001-04), the weekly "Newsweek Polska" (2003-07) and "Przewodnik Katolicki". He occasionally wrote for "Polityka" and "Czas Fantastyki" (2006). He continued to collaborate with radio stations, including as presenter of a talk show on Radio Tok FM (2002-04), while for Polish Radio he presented Rozmowy w Jedynce (Discussions on One) and Rozmowy w Trójce (Discussions on Three; 2007-09). At Radio Vox FM, he presented a morning press review. In 2005, he joined the conservative-liberal KoLiber Association. From 2005, he published on the portal, while in 2006 he started collaborating with "Niezależna Gazeta Polska". He published reviews in periodicals including "Arcana" (2009-2011). He conducted interviews for TVP Info's Tuesday evening slot Info Dziennik – Gość (Info Diary – Guest; 2011-12). From 2010, he was a member of the Chapter of the J. Mackiewicz Literary Prize. In 2011, he started collaborating with the Tarnow-based weekly "Galicyjski Tygodnik Informacyjny TEMI". That year, he took up a post with the weekly "Uważam Rze", which was linked with the daily "Rzeczpospolita". He and the entire editorial board quit in 2013 following the publisher's attempts to shape the publication's editorial line and the sacking of the founder and editor-in-chief Paweł Lisicki. The team went on to found the weekly "Do Rzeczy", with Ziemkiewicz contributing numerous articles on politics and society. In January 2013, he joined the Supervisory Council that managed the tv station Telewizja Republika, where from May that year he had his own show Salonik polityczny (The Little Political Salon). In June 2013, he joined the advisory team of the right-wing National Movement (Ruch Narodowy) party. In September that year, he returned to the editorial team at Radio Plus, where he resumed his weekly segment Plusy dodatnie, plusy ujemne. In 2016, he was a present of the satirical news programme W tyle wizji (a pun on telewizja meaning "at the back of the vision") on TVP Info. In May 2016, together with some members of parliament representing the Kukiz’15 party he formed the national-democratic Endecja alliance. Alongside his journalism and opinion pieces, he continued to write works of science-fiction. He received the Śląkfy Silesian Fantasy Club prize in 1990 and 1998 for his literary work. In recognition of his political and social journalism, he was awarded the Kisiel Prize in 2001, the Medal of the European Business Center Club in 2005 and the Z. Rumel Honorary Medal. He was awarded the Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis in 2007. After divorcing his first wife, he married the actress Aleksandra Ciejek in 2002. They have two daughters, Zofia (b. 2002) and Maria (b. 2005). He lives in Warsaw.
1. Władca szczurów. Opowiadania. Warszawa: Alfa 1987, 206 s. Biblioteka Fantastyki – Science Fiction, 10. Wyd. nast. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2012.
2. Skarby Stolinów. [Powieść]. Łódź: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza 1990, 171 s. Wyd. 2 łączne z opowiadaniem Hrebor Cudak pt. Hrebor Cudak; Skarby Stolinów. Warszawa: Ancher 1993, 158 s.
3. Wybrańcy bogów. [Powieść]. Warszawa: Przedświt 1991, 338 s. Wyd. nast. Warszawa: SuperNowa 2000.
4. Zero złudzeń. [Opowiadania]. Białystok: Białowieża 1991, 237 s.
5. Pieprzony los kataryniarza. [Powieść]. Warszawa: SuperNowa 1995, 252 s. Wyd. nast. Warszawa: MT 2003, wyd. łącznie z opowiadaniem z poz. ↑ pt. Śpiąca królewna; Pieprzony los kataryniarza. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2012, 436 s.
6. Zero zdziwień. [Felietony polityczne]. Przedm.: S. Michalkiewicz. Warszawa: Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawniczo-Handlowe Nepo 1995, 208 s.
7. Czerwone dywany, odmierzony krok. [Opowiadania]. Warszawa: Supernowa 1996, 240 s. Wyd. nast. tamże 2000.
8. Śpiąca królewna. [Opowiadanie]. Powst. ok. 1996. Wyd. w zbiorze: Czerwone dywany, odmierzony krok zob. poz. ↑Wyd. łącznie z Pieprzony los kataryniarza poz. ↑ pt. Śpiąca królewna; Pieprzony los kataryniarza. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2012 , 436 s.
Inne formy wydań
9. Walc stulecia. [Powieść]. Warszawa: SuperNowa 1998, 331 s.
Inne formy wydań
10. Cała kupa wielkich braci. [Opowiadania]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2002, 331 s.
11. Viagra mać. [Felietony polityczne]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2002, 410 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 poprawione i uzupełnione [Lublin]: Red Horse 2007, 280+280 s. , wyd. 3 Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2011.
12. Frajerzy. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2003, 448 s. Wyd. nast. zmienione tamże 2007.
13. Polactwo. [Publicystyka polityczna]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2004, 281 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 poprawione i uzupełnione [Lublin]: Red Horse 2007, 400 s., tamże 2008, wyd. 4 Lublin: Fabryka Słów, wyd. 5 tamże 2011, wyd. 62012, wyd. 7 2020.
Inne formy wydań
14. Ciało obce. [Powieść]. Warszawa: Bertelsmann Media 2005, 221 s. Wyd. nast. Warszawa: Świat Książki – Bertelsmann Media 2008.
15. Ognie na skałach. [Powieść]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2005, 239 s.
16. Coś mocniejszego. [Opowiadania]. Wstęp: M. Parowski. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2006, 669 s.Dzieła zebrane.
Inne formy wydań
17. Michnikowszczyzna. Zapis choroby. [Szkice polityczne]. [Lublin]: Red Horse 2006, 298 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2011, tamże: wyd. 3 2012, wyd. 4 2016, wyd. 5 2020.
Inne formy wydań
18. Czas wrzeszczących staruszków. [Felietony publicystyczne]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2008, 476 s.
Inne formy wydań
19. Żywina. [Powieść]. Warszawa: Świat Książki – Bertelsmann Media 2008, 253 s. Wyd. 2 Poznań: Zysk i S-ka 2013.
Inne formy wydań
20. W skrócie. [Szkice publicystyczne]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2009, 270 s.
21. Ziemkiewicz w sieci. [Felietony]. Lublin: Grasshopper 2009, 272 s.
22. Wkurzam salon. Z Rafałem Ziemkiewiczem rozmawia Rafał Geremek. [Wywiad-rzeka]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Czerwone i Czarne 2011, 263 s.
23. Zgred. [Powieść]. Poznań.: Zysk i S-ka 2011, 270 s.
Inne formy wydań
24. Myśli nowoczesnego endeka. [Publicystyka polityczna]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2012, 304 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 2016, wyd. 3 2020.
25. Uwarzałem że. [Felietony polityczne]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2013, 596 s.
26. Jakie piękne samobójstwo. Narracja o wojnie, szaleństwie i cynizmie. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2014, 395 s.
27. Pycha i upadek. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2015, 404 s.
28. Życie seksualne lemingów. [Felietony polityczne]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2015, 370 s.
29. Sanacja czy demokracja. [Felietony polityczne]. Zakrzewo: Orle Pióro 2017, 320 s.
30. Złowrogi cień Marszałka. Warszawa: Fabryka Słów 2017, 430 s.
Inne formy wydań
31. „A więc wojna!”. [Felietony polityczne]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2018, 397 s.
Inne formy wydań
32. Cham niezbuntowany. Rzecz o polskim mentalu. [Esej]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2020, 390 s.
Inne formy wydań
33. Strollowana rewolucja. [Felietony polityczne]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2021, 438 s. Publicystyka okiem Ziemkiewicza.
34. Wielka Polska. [Felietony polityczne]. Lublin: Fabryka Słów 2022, 321 s.
Przekłady utworów literackich w antologiach zagranicznych
Prace redakcyjne
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 2011.
Zob. też Twórczość poz. ↑.
Władca szczurów
Skarby Stolinów
Wybrańcy bogów
Pieprzony los kataryniarza
Zero zdziwień
Czerwone dywany, odmierzony krok
Walc stulecia
Cała kupa wielkich braci
Viagra mać
Ciało obce
Ognie na skałach
Coś mocniejszego
Czas wrzeszczących staruszków
W skrócie
Ziemkiewicz w sieci
Wkurzam salon
Myśli nowoczesnego endeka
Jakie piękne samobójstwo
Zob. też Wywiady.