Author’s name – using this category enables users to find all the texts by a given author that have been logged in the dictionary, including texts such as reviews and polemics that appear under an entry relating to a different author. Only the family name should be entered into the search filed, without the first name. The top results that appear are links to the Works section of the particular author (if there is a separate entry about this person). These results are followed by bibliographical entries listed in entries relating to other authors.
Title – using this category enables users to final all bibliographical entries whose titles contain the search term entered. The top results contain data from the Works section of all entries to the dictionary, followed by results from the Discussions and Reviews section.
Year of initial publication – selecting this category results in a prompt to provide a range of years (from-until); omitting one of the limits of the range with also produce search findings and can assist in finding, for example, all works initially published before or after a particular year.
Year of premiere radio broadcast – using this category enables users to search for works according to when they were first broadcast on Polish Radio, either in a range of years (from-until) or in a particular year.
Year of premiere television broadcast - using this category enables users to search for works according to when they were first broadcast on television, either in a range of years (from-until) or in a particular year.
Section – this category enables users to limit the search to particular elements of the dictionary entries (i.e.: Works, Articles in periodicals and books, Song lyrics, Texts in catalogues and albums, Radio plays, Scripts, Unpublished works, Works in other fields, Other forms of artistic output, Translations and adaptations by the Author, Translations and adaptations of the Author’s work, Editorial activities, Discussions and reviews (entirety), Interviews and statements by the Author, General discussions, and Analyses of particular works). If applying this category, users must select a value in the closed list; the results will show all biographies where there is at least one result in the chosen sections. It thus becomes possible to find, for example, the entire dataset of registered Radio plays or to search the database for other formats.
Publisher – the name (or part thereof) of a publishing house should be entered when selecting this category as the “search value”.
Place of initial publication – using this category enables users to search for works that were first published in a chosen location; a place name should be entered in the “search value” field.
Place of performance – using this category allows users to search for theatre performances that took place in a given locality.
Theatre – using this category allows users to search for theatre performances staged at a given Polish theatre; the name (or part thereof) of a theatre should be entered into the “search value” field.
Most important publication series – using this category enables users to search for works published as part of particular publication series; the name (or part thereof) of a series should be entered into the “search value” field.
Name of periodical – this category enables users to search for reviews, discussion pieces and analyses published in a particular periodical; the name (or part thereof) of a periodical should be entered into the “search value” field.
Bibliographical entry contains – using this category allows users to search for bibliographical entries that contain any given word or phrase in their description and metadata.