Born on 13 November 1946 in Poznan into a family of doctors; son of Jan Barańczak and Zofia, née Konopińska; brother of Małgorzata Musierowicz ↑, author of children's and youth literature. From 1953, he was a pupil at Practical School (Szkoła Ćwiczeń) no. 47 and then from 1956 at Primary School no. 66 in Poznan. He was deeply affected by the protests of Poznan workers in June 1956. He attended the K. Marcinkowski Grammar School No. I in Poznan. Fascinated by jazz music, he took up the trumpet and started a band. He also composed jazz ballads. In 1962, he was awarded fourth prize in a youth literary competition Mój bohater literacki (My literary hero) organized by the periodical "Życie Literackie". During this period, he was already active as a translator: in 1964, he produced his first translations of T.S. Eliot, Alexander Blok, William Shakespeare, James Joyce, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Robert Burns. He worked independently on improving his knowledge of Russian. Around this time, he started to produce contrafacta, writing his own lyrics set to Louis Armstrong songs. After completing his secondary education, he started studying Polish philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznan in 1964. From 1964 to 1968, he was a member of the Poznan-based poetry group Próby (Rehearsals). During this period, he became acquainted with Ryszard Krynicki, with whom he co-founded the New Wave (Nowa Fala) group. He made his debut in 1965 with the poem Przyczyny zgonu (Causes of death), which was published in the monthly "Odra" (no. 1). The work won a prize at the 1964 Single Poem Tournament (Turniej Jednego Wiersza), receiving the Wroclaw-based Pałacyk Laurel . As a critic, he made his debut the same year with a review of Maciej Zenon Bordowicz's ↑ volume of poetry Wstęp do święta (Lead up to a holiday), with the review appearing in the periodical "Nurt" (no. 6). He collaborated with various literary publications, including "Nurt" (1965–75; 1967–73 as head of the literary section, publishing a cycle of essays, Odbiorca ubezwłasnowolniony [The incapacitated recipient], there in 1972), "Orientacja" (1967–71), "Odra" (1967–75), and "Twórczość" (1968–76). Alongside his work as a poet and critic, he was also active as a translator, focusing on English- and Russian-language literature. He served as literary director of the student theatre group, the Theatre of the Eighth Day (Teatru Ósmego Dnia) between 1964 and 1969). The 1968 production of his poetry cycle Jednym tchem (In One Breath) became the most significant theatre work in the aftermath of the events of March 1968. Between 1967 and 1971, he worked in the editoral office of the weekly "Nurt", where until 1974 he contributed anonymously the literary advice column Kierunkowskaz (Indicator). He was a member of the ruling Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR – Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza) from 1967 to 1972. In 1968, he married fellow Polish philology student Anna Bryłka, who went on to become a literary scholar. Following the student strikes in March 1968, he was nominated to serve as a delegate in proposed negotiations with the UAM Senate. After graduating with a Master's degree in 1969 on the basis of his study O prozie Leopolda Buczkowskiego (On Leopold Buczkowski's prose), which was supervised by Prof. Jerzy Ziomek ↑, he was an intern at the library of the Chair of Polish Literature at the Institute of Polish Philology at UAM. From early September 1969 to late August 1970, he served an apprenticeship as a research assistant before working as a research assistant and then senior research assistant between August 1972 and February 1974 at the Department of Literary Theory at the Institute of Polish Philology (IFP) at UAM. In 1973, he was awarded a doctoral degree for his dissertation Język poetycki Mirona Białoszewskiego (Miron Białoszewski's poetic language), which was supervised by Prof. J. Ziomek. From March 1974 to January 1978, he worked as an assistant professor, teaching classes on poetics, literary analysis, literary theory, and literary history. During this period, he developed an interest in translation theory, publishing scholarly research in "Teksty" (1975). From 1971 until his departure for the United States, he was a member of the Polish Writers' Union (ZLP). He received numerous prizes in recognition of his literary work including the 1972 prize of the Geneva-based Kościelski Foundation, the A. Bursa Prize and the prize of the Pióro periodical in recognition of his literary criticism. This latter prize was awarded as part of the Pierścień, Peleryna i Pióro (Ring, Cloak and Pen) competition organized by the Coastal Region Student Club Żak (he received the award in 1973, 1980, and 1981). He was associated with the group of poets and critics connected to the Krakow biweekly "Student", where he published articles, poems and translations (1972–76; in 1975–76 he also published there using the pen name Feliks Trzymałko and Szczęsny Dzierżankiewicz a series of pamphlet-like column pieces titled Książki najgorsze [The worst books]). He joined the Polish PEN Club in 1975. From January 1975 to September 1989, he was monitored by the Poznan branch of the security services of the People's Republic of Poland (PRL). In December 1975, he was a signatory to the Memorandum of 59, which protested proposed changes to the Constitution of the People's Republic of Poland. In 1976, he co-founded the Workers' Defence Committee (KOR), which was later known as Committee for Social Self-Defence KOR. In December 1976, following fabricated accusations of bribing a state official, he was suspended from his duties as an academic and barred from teaching at UAM. Following trumped-up charges and a trial that passed what was ultimately a legally invalid suspended prison sentence (one year, suspended for three years), he was dismissed from UAM for disciplinary reasons and banned from working as an academic, despite protests from students and university colleagues. Following an appeal, he remained in his post as an assistant professor albeit without permission to teach until the end of January 1978. He lived off his wife's income, who was employed at the Institute of Polish Philology at UAM, while receiving some income from occasional publications. From 1977, censors imposed a complete ban on publishing, meaning that he published texts using pseudonyms, cryptonyms and pen names in both state-approved publications and underground periodicals (he collaborated with, among other outlets, the Krakow Student Publishing House – Krakowska Oficyna Studentów) and with the émigré press unitl 1989. In state-approved periodicals, he occasionally published reviews, articles and translations using the pseudonyms Barbara Stawiczak ("Tygodnik Powszechny" 1978–80 and "Znak" 1979), Paweł Ustrzykowski ("Teksty" 1978–79 and "Nurt" 1979), Sabina Trwałczańska ("Tygodnik Powszechny" 1978 and 1980, "Zwierciadło" 1978–79, and "Literatura na Świecie" 1980), and Hieronim Bryłka ("Teksty" 1980). He collaborated with the independent publications "Zapis" (which he co-founded in 1976/77, serving on its editorial board to 1981), "Puls" (from 1977), "Krytyka" (from 1978; also serving on its editorial committee), and "Biuletyn Informacyjny" (including further editions of his column Książki najgorsze [The worst books]). Still unemployed, he drew on ZLP grant funds in 1978. That year, he received an invitation from Harvard University but was refused permission to travel seven times. In 1978, he was a signatory of the founding declaration of the underground Society for Scientific Courses (Towarzystwo Kursów Naukowych – TKN). From 1979, he published with the Polish Literary Institute in Paris. In March 1980, he supported the appeal to the communist authorities encouraging dialogue with striking workers. He gave lectures at the Poznan Branch of the Adam Mickiewicz Literary Society. Following the political changes initiated in August 1980, he was reinstated to his position at UAM. That year, he received the prize of the New York-based Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation. In March 1981, he was given permission to travel to the United States. He was given unpaid leave from UAM and took on the Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation Chair in Polish Language and Literature at the Department of Slavic Studies at Harvard as successor to Prof. Wiktor Weintraub. He was initially given a three-year contract as an associate professor. In 1982, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Curry College in Milton, Massachusetts. He continued to write after 1981, publishing poems, translations and essays in periodicals based in Poland, including "Tygodnik Powszechny", "Aneks", "Literatura na Świecie", "Odra", "Puls", "Znak", "W Drodze", and "Więź", as well as in the Paris-based periodicals "Kultura" and "Zeszyty Literackie" (where he served as founding co-editor from 1983), the New York-based "The Polish Review" (serving on its editorial board from 1986 and then as editor-in-chief between 1987 and 1990), and in the international press, primarily in the US, including "The American Poetry Review", "The Boston Globe", "Cross Currents", "The Harvard Crimson", "Ironwood", "The Manhattan Review", "The New Criterion", "The New York Times Book Review", "The New Republic", "The New Leader", "The New Yorker", "Partisan Review", "Salmagundi", "Slavic Review", "Southwest Review", "TriQuarterly", as well as in the UK-based "Times Literary Supplement", and in the French, Canadian, German, Yugoslavian, and Swedish press, among others. From 1982, he was a member of the Foundation for Supporting Independent Polish Scholarship and Culture (France), the American Association for Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), and the Prize Committee of the POLCUL Foundation (Australia). From 1983, he collaborated with the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (PIASA) in New York and was a member of the Union of Polish Writers Abroad. However, he resigned from the Polish PEN Club. His unpaid leave was not extended and in 1984 he was again dismissed from UAM. That year, he was appointed tenured professor at the Department of Slavic Studies at Harvard University. The same year, he served on the Neustadt International Prize for Literature in Oklahoma. In 1985–86, he presented a series of lectures titled Poeci Polski pogrudniowej (Post-December [1981] Polish Poets) on Radio Free Europe, which were transcribed and published in the underground press in Poland, including in "Tu, teraz". In 1987, he joined the London-based Polish Society of Arts and Sciences Abroad (Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowego na Obczyźnie). He continued to publish scholarly studies, poetry and translations from English, with a particular focus on the poetry and plays of William Shakespeare. He also translated Russian-language poetry and the works of the poet Tomas Venclova from Lithuanian (in collaboration with the poet). At the same time, he published translations of Polish poetry into English in periodicals including "Cross Currents", "The Manhattan Review", "Partisan Review", "Seneca Review", "Translation", and "TriQuarterly", as well as in other US-American outlets. He collaborated with Harvard University Press, publishing studies on Polish poetry there. In 1989, he was appointed editor-in-chief of the New York-based journal "Translation", which focuses on literary translation. He received grants from the American Council for Learned Societies (1987) and the Guggenheim Foundation (1989). In 1988, he received the award of the underground Polish periodical "Arka" (1988 for his volume of translations of Joseph Brodsky, his short essays on poetry Przed i po [Before and after], and his own volume of poetry Widokówka z tego świata [Postcard from this world]). In 1989, he joined the Polish Writers' Association (SPP) , the Polish Society of Authors and Composers (ZAiKS), the American Association for Polish-Jewish Studies and also rejoined the Polish PEN Club. He began visiting Poland regularly from 1990. That year, he became editor of the publication series Biblioteczka Poetów Języka Angielskiego (Library of English-language poets), which appeared with the Krakow-based publishing house Arka, where his translations were also published. He travelled to countries including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary (1992), Hong Kong (1993) and Italy (1994). He continued to collaborate with the press in Poland and with émigré publications, in particular "Zeszyty Literackie", where he remained a member of the editorial board (his contributions there included the cycle Przekładanie nieprzekładalnego [Translating the untranslatable] in 1993/94), as well as the daily "Gazeta Wyborcza" (including in 2004 the cycle Mielona Gęś albo w Orkanach Absurdu [Minced Goose, or: In the Hurricane of the Absurd]) and the Catholic weekly "Tygodnik Powszechny". In 1999, he stopped teaching at Harvard as his condition with Parkinson's disease deteriorated. He had been diagnosed many years previously. He became an active member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) in 2000. He was the recipient of numerous awards. In 1989 alone, he received several prizes in recognition of his translations into Polish, including the prize of the ZAiKS Society of Authors, the Polish PEN Club, the Association of Polish Writers (SPP), as well as the ZAiKS prize for translations from Polish and in 1990 the prize of the monthly "Literatura na Świecie" for his versions of the poetry of George Herbert, J. Brodsky and Tomas Venclova. In 1991, he received the 3 May Prize of the Poznan Branch of the SPP as well as the lifetime achievement award of the Artistic Prize of the City of Poznan. In 1993, he received the ZAiKS Society of Authors award for translators and the annual award of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the realm of Slavic languages and literatures, with particular emphasis on his translations of the poetry of Wisława Szymborska ↑. In 1994, he received the Gigant (Giant) prize in recognition of his "Poznanian way of working", which was awarded by the editors and readers of the Poznan edition of the daily "Gazeta Wyborcza". In 1996, he received the Nelli and Władysław Turzanski Foundation prize in recognition of his oeuvre as a poet and translator as well as the AATSEEL prize (jointly with Clare Cavanagh) for his subsequent translations of W. Szymborska. In 1997, he was the recipient of the Grand Prix of the Cultural Foundation (Nagroda Wielka Fundacji Kultury) and the J. Parandowski Prize of the Polish PEN Club, awarded in recognition of his poetry. In 1999, he received the prestigious Nike Literry Prize for his volume of poetry Chirurgiczna precyzja (Surgical Precision), while in 2000 he received the Organizational Work Prize (Nagroda Pracy Organicznej) awarded by the Poznan-based newspaper "Głos Wielkopolski". In 2005, he was the reipient of the Transatlantyk (Transatlantic) honorary prize awarded by the Polish Book Institute in recognition of his contribution to promoting Polish literature in English-speaking countries and his outstanding output as a translator. In 2009, he received the Silesius Wroclaw Poetry Prize lifetime achievement award. He was awarded honorary doctorates from the University of Silesia in Katowice in 1995 and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 2006. He received the Order of Polonia Restituta in 1991, the diploma of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Polish culture around the world in 1993, and the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta in 2006 on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of KOR. He died on 26 December 2014 in Newtonville, Massachusetts; he is buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, MA. He was posthumously awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta in 2015. The same year, the Stanisław Barańczak Grant for young writers was established, with the prize awarded jointly by the City of Poznan and UAM. He had two children: a son, Michał (b. 1970), and a daughter, Anna (b. 1977).
1. Korekta twarzy. [Wiersze]. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie 1968, 45 s.
2. Jednym tchem. [Wiersze]. Warszawa: Zrzeszenie Studentów Polskich 1970, [12] k. Suplement do „Orientacji” 1970. [Wyd. 2] [B.m.: b.w.* ok. 1980]; [wyd. 3] Kraków: Świt* 1984. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑.
3. Nieufni i zadufani. Romantyzm i klasycyzm w młodej poezji lat sześćdziesiątych. [Szkice]. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Ossolineum 1971, 179 s.
4. Dziennik poranny. Wiersze 1967-1971. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie 1972, 82 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 tamże 1981; Katowice: Wydawnictwo „Po prostu” 1986.
Inne formy wydań
5. Ironia i harmonia. Szkice o najnowszej literaturze polskiej. Warszawa: Czytelnik 1973, 217 s.
6. Język poetycki Mirona Białoszewskiego. [Rozprawa doktorska]. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Ossolineum 1974, 177 s. Z Dziejów Form Artystycznych w Literaturze Polskiej, t. 41. Wyd. 2 rozszerzone: Wybór, opracowanie i posłowie: A. Poprawa. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Ossolineum 2016, 436 s. Sztuka Czytania.
Inne formy wydań
7. Sztuczne oddychanie. [Wiersze]. Poznań* 1974. Wyd. nast.: Ilustracje J. Lebensteina. [B.m.: b.w.* po 1978]; Londyn: Aneks 1978, 45 s.; [wyd. poprawione] Ilustracje: D. Martini. Kraków: Krakowska Oficyna Studentów* [1979], tamże [1980]; [b.m.]: IWSAM* [ok. 1980].
8. Ja wiem, że to niesłuszne. Wiersze z lat 1975-1976. Poznań: [b.w.*] 1976, [47] k. Wyd. nast.: Paryż: Instytut Literacki 1977, 63 s.; Warszawa: [b.w*] 1977; Wiersze. Poznań: [b.w.*] 197; wyd. z przedmową A. Michnika: Warszawa: Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza NOWA* 1978; [Warszawa:] Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza* 1979; [Radom: b.w.* 1980]; Kraków: Krakowska Oficyna Studentów* 1981; Ilustracje kolorowe: J. Duda-Gracz. Kraków: Wydawnictwo ABC* 1981; Poznań: Wydawnictwo Centrum Informacyjne Niezależnego Zrzeszenia Studentów Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu* 1981; Szczecin: Studencka Agencja Wydawnicza Sorbona im. Uniwersytetu Zachodnio-Pomorskiego* 1981; [B.m.: b.w.* 1981?]; Lublin: Wydawnictwo AUT'82* 1982; [Kraków:] Oficyna Nieobecnych* [1982]; [B.m.: b.w.* ok. 1985].
9. Esej odczytany na Biennale w Wenecji 2 grudnia 1977 roku. [B.m: b.w.*].
10. Etyka i poetyka. Szkice 1970-1978. Paryż: Instytut Literacki 1979, 270 s. Wyd. nast.: Kraków: Wydawnictwo ABC* 1981; Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 2009.
11. The summa of Czesław Miłosz. [Przeł.:] S.P. Van Trees. [Stockholm: b.w. 1979], 17 k.
12. Cenzura w PRL. Parę podstawowych informacji. Poznań: Wielkopolska Inicjatywa Wydawnicza* 1980, 8 s. Poznańskie Broszury Społeczne z. 2.
13. Knebel i słowo. (O literaturze krajowej w latach siedemdziesiątych). Warszawa: Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza NOWA* 1980, 43 s. Wykłady – Towarzystwo Kursów Naukowych.
14. Nie podlegać nicości i inne szkice. Kraków: Krakowska Oficyna Studentów* 1980, 64 s.
15. Przywracanie porządku. [Poemat]. [B.m.: b.w.*] 1980. Wyd. nast.: „Zeszyty Literackie”, Paryż 1983 nr 1 s. 5-11; Posłowie: [J. Ossowski] M. Terlecki. Gdańsk: [b.w.*] 1983, 20 s.; Poznań: Nakład „Głosu SKOS-ów”* 1983; Poznań: Oficyna Wydawnicza Syzyf* 1983; Wrocław: Niezależne Wydawnictwo im. Gnębona Puczymordy* 1983; Warszawa: CDN* 1983; [B.m.]: Instytut Wydawnictw Lotnych „Zielony Putrament”* 1984. [Kraków: b.w.* 1982], 6 k. Wyd. nast.: „Zeszyty Literackie” Paryż 1983 nr 1 s. 5-11. Wrocław: [1984?]; Warszawa: KF 1987.
16. Tryptyk z betonu, zmęczenia i śniegu. [Wiersze]. Ilustracje: W. Wołyński. Kraków: Wydawnictwo KOS* [Krakowska Oficyna Studentów] 1980, 77 s. Wyd. nast.: Paryż: Instytut Literacki 1981, 66 s.; Kraków: [b.m.] [1981].
17. Wybór wierszy. Białystok: Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów FUW* [Filii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego] 1980.
18. „Bo tylko ten świat bólu...” [Wiersze]. Wrocław: Niezależne Wydawnictwo „Wrocław”* [1981], 9 s.
19. Książki najgorsze (1975-1980). Kraków: Krakowska Oficyna Studentów* 1981, 166 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 zmienione pt. Książki najgorsze i parę innych ekscesów krytycznoliterackich. Poznań: a5 1990, 183 s.; wyd. 3 ulepszone pt. Książki najgorsze i parę innych ekscesów krytycznoliterackich 1975-1980 i 1993. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 2009, 198 s.
20. Wiersze prawie zebrane. Ilustrował W. Wołyński. Warszawa: Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza NOWA* 1981, 124 s.
21. Samobójstwo sandaueryzmu. [Szkic]. „Kultura”, Paryż 1982 nr 10 s. 23-38, nr 11 s. 17-31. Wyd. osobne: Kraków: Wydawnictwo Promieniści* 1984, 24 s. Biblioteka Promienistych. Wyd. nast.: [Gdańsk]: Melina Wydawnicza* 1985. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ (wyd. 2).
22. Czytelnik ubezwłasnowolniony. Perswazja w masowej kulturze literackiej. Paryż: Libella 1983, 141 s. Wyd. nast. [Kraków: b.w.* 1983]. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑.
23. Wiersze. Kraków: Świt* 1983, [11] k.
24. Uciekinier z Utopii. O poezji Zbigniewa Herberta. Londyn: Polonia Book Fund Ltd. 1984, 155 s. Wokół literatury, 2. Wyd. nast.: [Kraków]: Oficyna Literacka* 1985; [wyd. 3] [B.m.: b.w.* 1985]; wyd. 2 pierwsze krajowe [!] Wrocław: Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Polonistyki Wrocławskiej 1994; Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 2001. Prace krytyczne Stanisława Barańczaka, t. 1.
Wersja angielska: A fugitive from Utopia. The poetry of Zbigniew Herbert. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press 1987, 163 s.
25. Atlantyda i inne wiersze z lat 1981-1985. Londyn: Puls 1986, 59 s. Poezja t. 3. Wyd. pierwsze krajowe: Wrocław: Inicjatywa Wydawnicza Aspekt* 1987.
26. Przed i po. Szkice o poezji krajowej lat siedemdziesiątych i osiemdziesiątych. Londyn: Aneks 1988, 172 s.
27. Widokówka z tego świata i inne rymy z lat 1986-1988. Paryż: Zeszyty Literackie 1988, 49 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 1 krajowe [Kraków:] Oficyna Literacka* 1989; Kraków: X* 1989; Poznań [b. w.]* 1989; Poznań: Wydawnictwo A-S* 1989; [B. m.:] Els* 1989; [wyd. 7] Poznań: A-5* 1989; [Wrocław]: Els* 1989; [Rysunki: W. Wołyński]. Warszawa: Fundacja Zeszytów Literackich 2015. Seria Poetycka „Zeszytów Literackich”, nr 1.
28. Breathing under water and other East European essays. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press 1990, 258 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 1992.
29. Poezje wybrane. Wybór i wstęp autora. Warszawa: Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza 1990, 142 s. Biblioteka Poetów.
30. [Sto pięćdziesiąt dziewięć] 159 wierszy. 1968-1988. [Wybór wierszy]. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 1990, 214 s. Dodruk tamże 1991.
31. Tablica z Macondo. Osiemnaście prób wytłumaczenia, po co i dlaczego się pisze. [Eseje]. Londyn: Aneks 1990, 254 s. Wyd. pierwsze krajowe: Kraków: a5 2018, 349 s.
Inne formy wydań
Wersje angielskie poszczególnych tekstów
32. Biografioły. Poczet 56 jednostek sławnych, sławetnych i osławionych oraz Appendix umożliwiający człowiekowi kulturalnemu zrozumienie i zapamiętanie o co chodzi w 7 podstawowych utworach Williama Szekspira. [Wiersze satyryczne]. [Wstęp: S. Barańczak]. Rysunki i oprac. graficzne: W. Wołyński. Poznań: a5 1991, 52 s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5.
33. Zwierzęca zajadłość. Z zapisków zniechęconego zoologa. [Wiersze humorystyczne]. Ilustrował W. Wołyński. Poznań: a5 1991, [48] s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5. Wyd. nast. pt. Zwierzęca zajadłość i inne wiersze. Ilustrował W. Wołyński. Kraków: a5 2016. Por. poz. ↑.
34. Ocalone w tłumaczeniu. Szkice o warsztacie tłumacza poezji z dołączeniem małej antologii przekładów. Poznań: a5 1992, 442 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 z podtytułem Szkice o warsztacie tłumacza poezji, z dodatkiem małej antologii „Przekładów” tamże: 1994; wyd. 3 poprawione znacznie rozszerzone z podtytułem Szkice o warsztacie tłumacza poezji z dodatkiem małej antologii „Przekładów – problemów” Kraków: a5 2004, 520 s., tamże 2007.
Wersje angielskie poszczególnych tekstów
35. Zaufać nieufności. Osiem rozmów o sensie poezji 1990-1992. Red.: K. Biedrzycki. Kraków: Wydawnictwo „M” 1993, 139 s. Biblioteka „NaGłosu”.
36. Zupełne zezwierzęcenie. Zeszyt znacznie zgryźliwszych, zakasujących złośliwością znany zbiorek „Zwierzęca zajadłość”, zapisków zniechęconego zoologa. [Rysunki: W. Wołyński]. Poznań: a5 1993, 48 s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5. Por. poz. ↑.
37. Podróż zimowa. Wiersze do muzyki Franza Schuberta. Poznań: a5 1994, 42 s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 tamże 1997; wyd. 3 Kraków: a5 2011. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5, t. 16. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑.
Inne formy wydań
38. Bóg, Trąba i Ojczyzna. Słoń a sprawa Polska oczami poetów od Reja do Rymkiewicza. Wybór, wstęp i oprac.: [S. Barańczak]. Ilustracje W. Kołyszko. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 1995, 49 s.
39. Pegaz zdębiał. Poezja nonsensu a życie codzienne, wprowadzenie w prywatną teorię gatunku. London: Puls 1995, 232 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka 2008. Zabawy Literackie; wyd. 3 znacznie poszerzone: [Red.: J. Szczęsna. Rysunki: J. Gawłowski]. Warszawa: Agora 2017.
40. Pomyślane przepaście. Osiem interpretacji. Posłowie: I. Opacki. W układzie i oprac. J. Tambor i R. Cudaka. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 1995, 182 s. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, 1488.
41. Żegnam cię, nosorożcze. Kompletne bestiarium zniechęconego zoologa od ameby do źrebięcia z uwzględnieniem zwierząt rzadko spotykanych, a nawet w ogóle nie spotykanych. [Wiersze humorystyczne]. ]. Ilustrował W. Wołyński. Warszawa: Świat Książki 1995, 111 s.
42. Poezja i duch Uogólnienia. Wybór esejów 1970-1995. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 1996, 374 s. Esej.
Wersje angielskie poszczególnych tekstów
43. Wybór wierszy i przekładów. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1997, 646 s. Kolekcja Poezji Polskiej XX Wieku.
44. Zimy i podróże. [Wybór wierszy]. Lekcja literatury z Antonim Liberą. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1997, 136. Wyd. nast. tamże 1998.
45. Chirurgiczna precyzja. Elegie i piosenki z lat 1995-1997. Kraków: a5 1998, 70 s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5, t. 31. Wyd. 2 tamże 2002.
46. Geografioły. Z notatek globtrottera-domatora. [Wiersze humorystyczne]. Ilustracje: W. Wołyński. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka 1998, 55 s.
47. Wiersze zebrane. Kraków: a5 2006, 553 s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5. Wyd. nast. tamże: 2007, [2013], 2014, [2019].
48. Odbiorca ubezwłasnowolniony. Teksty o kulturze masowej i popularnej. Wybór, opracowanie i posłowie: A. Poprawa. Wrocław: Ossolineum 2017, 540 s. Sztuka Czytania.
Artykuły w czasopismach i książkach zbiorowych,
Wybory utworów literackich w przekładach
Przekłady tekstów w antologiach zagranicznych
Inne formy wydań
Wydane łącznie z Romeo i Julia; Makbet pt. Romeo i Julia; Hamlet; Makbet. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 2006, 560 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 2021.
Inne formy wydań
Wydane łącznie z poz. Hamlet; Makbet. pt. Romeo i Julia; Hamlet; Makbet Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 2006, 560 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 2021.
Inne formy wydań
Wydane łącznie z Romeo i Julia; Hamlet pt. Romeo i Julia; Hamlet; Makbet. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 2006, 560 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 2021.
Inne formy wydań
Inne formy wydań
Inne formy wydań
Inne formy wydań
Inne formy wydań
Inne formy wydań
Inne formy wydań
Nadto zob. Twórczość poz. ↑, ↑, ↑, Prace redakcyjne poz. ↑.
Prace redakcyjne
Nadto zob. Przekłady poz. ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑,↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑,↑,↑,↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑,↑ , ↑, ↑,↑, ↑,↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑, ↑.
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 1976, 1989.
Zob. też poz. ↑.
Słowniki i bibliografie
Korekta twarzy
Jednym tchem
Nieufni i zadufani
Dziennik poranny
Ironia i harmonia
Język poetycki Mirona Białoszewskiego
Sztuczne oddychanie
Ja wiem, że to niesłuszne
Etyka i poetyka
Przywracanie porządku
Tryptyk z betonu zmęczenia i śniegu
Książki najgorsze (1975-1980)
Czytelnik ubezwłasnowolniony
A fugitive from Utopia
Uciekinier z Utopii
Atlantyda i inne wiersze
Przed i po
Widokówka z tego świata
Breathing under water and other East European essays
Poezje wybrane
159 wierszy
Tablica z Macondo
Zwierzęca zajadłość
Ocalone w tłumaczeniu
Zaufać nieufności
Zupełne zezwierzęcenie
Zob. też Wywiady.
Podróż zimowa
Bóg, Trąba i Ojczyzna
Pegaz zdębiał
Pomyślane przepaście
Żegnam cię, nosorożcze
Poezja i duch Uogólnienia
Wybór wierszy i przekładów
Zimy i podróże
Chirurgiczna precyzja
Wiersze zebrane
Korespondencja. Autorzy: Z. Herbert, S. Barańczak
Korespondencja. Autorzy: W. Szymborska, S. Barańczak
Where did I wake up?
Under my own roof
D. Thomas: Wiersze wybrane
O. Mandelsztam: Późne wiersze
Antologia angielskiej poezji metafizycznej XVII stulecia
G.M. Hopkins: Wybór poezji
E.E. Cummings: 150 wierszy
J. Donne: Wiersze wybrane
J. Brodski: 82 wiersze i poematy
The weight of the body. Selected poems
G. Herbert: Wiersze wybrane.
Hamlet, książę Danii
T. Venclova: Rozmowa w zimie.
E. Dickinson: 100 wierszy
J. Merrill: Wybór poezji
W. Shakespeare: Romeo i Julia
Ph. Larkin: 44 wiersze
Polish poetry of the last two decades of communist rule
W. Shakespeare: Król Lear
W. Shakespeare: Sen nocy letniej
R. Frost: 55 wierszy
„Miłość jest wszystkim, co istnieje”
W. Shakespeare: Kupiec wenecki
Ch. Simic: Madonny z dorysowaną szpicbródką oraz inne wiersze, prozy poetyckie, eseje
„Z Tobą więc ze Wszystkimi”
Zwierzę słucha zwierzeń
J. Brodski: Znak wodny
Fioletowa krowa
T. Hardy: 55 wierszy
Od Chaucera do Larkina
W. Shakespeare: Otello, Maur wenecki
W. Shakespeare: Sonety
W. Szymborska: View with a grain of sand
W.H. Auden: 44 wiersze
S. Heaney: 44 wiersze
E. Bishop: 33 wiersze
T. Campion: 33 pieśni
E. Dickinson: Drugie 100 wierszy
T.S. Eliot: Koty
J. Kochanowski: Laments
Zob. Też Wywiady.