Born on 12 May 1953 in Lodz; daughter of the craftsman Stanisław Krakowiak and Marianna, née Milewska. She was a pupil at the Maria Konopnicka Grammar School No. X in Lodz from 1967 to 1971, when she completed her advanced secondary education. She then studied Polish philology at the University of Lodz (UŁ), graduating with a master's degree in 1976. That year she was appointed as assistant at the Department of Literary Theory at the Institute of Literary Theory, Theatre and Film at UŁ (later the Chair of Literary Theory, Theatre and Film, and from 2002 the Chair of Literary Theory, Theatre and Audiovisual arts, and from 2011 the Institute of Contemporary Culture at UŁ). Her research in literary studies focused on literary theory, cognitive poetics, comparative literature, and cultural anthropology. She defended her doctoral thesis, Zagadnienie fikcji literackiej (The Question of Literary Fiction), at UŁ in 1978. It was supervised by Prof. Teresa Cieślikowska. Ślósarska was subsequently appointed lecturer. In 1979, she published her first academic studies: a review of Wakao Honda's The Fundamental Theory of Literature in "Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich" (no. 1) and the essay Forma i otwarcie w powieści Urszuli Kozioł "Ptaki dla myśli". (Fragment) (Form and Opening in Urszula Kozioł's novel "Birds for Thought" [Excerpt]") in "Acta Universitatis Lodziensis" (no. 50). From 1983, she served on the editorial board of "Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Scientiae Artium et Litterarum", where she was editor-in-chief from 1997 to 2010. In 1988, she was a fellow at Université Paris III on a six-month French government scholarship. She belonged to the Centauro Literary Group from around 1989. In 1990, she co-founded the Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński Literary Society, becoming its chair. She also served as editor of the Society's publication series. From 1996 to 1998, she collaborated with the Polish Television's TVP2 station, writing scripts and presenting the art series Instalacje (Installations). She was awarded a habilitation degree in 1997 for her book Syntagmatyka poetycka (Poetic Syntagmatics) and was appointed associate professor at UŁ. From 1999 to 2001, she also lectured at the University of Humanities and Economics (WSHE) in Lodz, where she was held the Chair of Comparative Literature. She directed plays at the WSHE student theatre and was also responsible for conceiving and editing a student publication series issuing debut literary works. She was also editor of the publication series Literaturoznawstwo. Prace Naukowe Studentów WSHE w Łodzi (Literary Studies: Studies by WSHE students), which appeared in 2000 and 2001. She was made state-appointed professor in 2005. In 2006, she was appointed head of the Centre for Literary Anthropology at the Chair of Literary at the Faculty of Philology of UŁ. In 2007, she was made full professor at UŁ. Between 2007 and 2011, she also worked at the Chair of Sociology, Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Economics Management in Lodz. She was also mentor to the Circle of Journalism Scholars. In 2009, she established the publication series Dyskursy o kulturze (Discourses on Culture). She joined the editorial colleges of the publication series of the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa: Studia o literaturze XIX i XX wieku. Prace Interdyscyplinarne (Studies of Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Literature: Interdisciplinary Research). She joined the Polish Oriental Society in 1976, the Polish Art Education Association 1987, the Lodz Learned Society in 2000, The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning (2001), the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association (which she co-founded in 2001), the Polish Cultural Studies Society in 2006 (she was chair of the Lodz branch in its first term), and the Polish Association of Creative Strategies (which she co-founded in 2014). She received awards including the prize of the Ministry of Culture and Arts (1988). She was awarded the UŁ Rector's prize on several occasions (1999, 1993, 2005, and 2010). She received the UŁ Gold Medal in 1998, the Medal of the Commission of National Education in 2002, the Gold Medal for Long Service in 2012, and the UŁ Senate Medal for Service to Society and Scholarship in 2013. She died on 1 October 2016 in Lodz, where she is buried at the Roman Catholic Cemetery of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
1. Piosenki Marii Magdaleny. [Wiersze]. [b.m.w.]: Centrum Kultury Młodych w Łodzi. 1989, 16 s.
2. Jakub Böhme bawi się rubinami. [Wiersze]. Łódź-Górna: Klub Lit. „Centauro” przy D[zielnicowym ] D[omu] K[ultury] 1990, 20 s.
3. Koinos kosmos. [Wiersze]. [b.m.w.] 1990, 20 s.
4. Kształty na tle. [Wiersze]. [B.m.w.] 1990, 22 s.
5. Rozum, transcendencja i zło w literaturze. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 1992, 356 s.
6. Wielokątne koła. Wiersze. Łódź: Stowarzyszenie Literackie im. K.K. Baczyńskiego 1992, 60 s.
7. Mistyczne i archetypiczne obrazy kosmosu. Warszawa: Semper 1994, 115 s.
8. W świetle symboli. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Samira 1994, 126 s. Wyd. nast. tamże 2007.
9. Syntagmatyka poetycka. Warszawa: Semper 1995, 175 s.
10. Geo-metria. [Wiersze]. Łódź: „Biblioteka” 1996, 82 s. Rzecz poetycka. Wiersze.
11. Czekanie na schodach. [Wiersze]. Łódź: SLKKB [Stowarzyszenie Literackie im. K.K. Baczyńskiego] 1999, 43 s. Seria Poetycka, 59.
12. Z Nieogrodu. [Wiersze]. Łódź: Corre Studio 2001, 42 s.
13. Studia z poetyki antropologicznej. Warszawa: Semper 2004, 137 s.
14. Życiorys i przesłanie św. Franciszka z Asyżu w wybranych tekstach kultury. [Szkice]. Niepokalanów: Wydawnictwo Ojców Franciszkanów 2004, 221 s. Biblioteka Instytutu Franciszkańskiego,17.
15. Fibiriel. Czaro-dziejska przy-powieść. Łódź: Nakład Stowarzyszenia Literackiego im. K.K. Baczyńskiego 2006, 199 s. Seria Prozatorska.
16. Bądź szybszy od śmierci. Studia z antropologii kultury. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Primum Verbum 2009, 306 s.
Inne formy wydań
17. Prześwietlone klisze z New Grange = The overexposed films from New Grange. [Wiersze]. Cykl fotografii „Światy w światach”: Ł. Ludkowski. [Przeł. M. Kocot]. Łódź: Stowarzyszenie Literackie im. K.K. Baczyńskiego 2010, 101 s. Seria Poetycka,93.
18. Tunel dnia. [Wiersze]. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Primum Verbum 2010, 44 s.
19. Łapacze snów. Ponowoczesne kody spójności kulturowej. [Szkice]. Kraków: Scriptum 2012, 262 s.
20. Zasada tranzytywności w kulturze. Kraków: Wydawnictwo „Scriptum” Tomasza Sekundy 2014, 150 s.
21. Skrypty losu. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Primum Verbum 2015, 162 s.
Inne formy wydań
22. Lśnienie dźwięków. [Wiersze]. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Primum Verbum 2016, 33 s.
23. Poetyka tektoniczna. [Eseje]. Łódź: Primum Verbum 2016, 179 s.
Inne formy wydań
24. Rebis. Wiersze wybrane. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Primum Verbum 2016, 207 s.
Inne formy wydań
Artykuły w czasopismach i książkach zbiorowych,
Prace redakcyjne
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankiety dla IBL PAN 2010, 2016.