Born on 19 April in 1969 in Warsaw; son of the the then assistant researcher at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) Zbigniew Stępień, and the Grodzisk Mazowiecki district agronomist Maria. He attended the Hugo Kołłątaj Grammar School No. XXI in Warsaw, completing his advanced secondary education there in 1986. He then studied Polish philology at the University of Warsaw (UW), graduating with a master's degree in 1991. Between 1991 and 2008, he was employed at the Institute of Polish Literature at UW. His research focused on Polish literature of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque in the context of theology and philosophy, and on twentieth-century Polish poetry in the context of references to earlier cultural epochs. He made his debut in 1991 with the article Czas – sprzymierzeniec i wróg. O poezji miłosnej Jana Andrzeja Morsztyna (Time – An Ally and an Enemy: On Jan Andrzej Morsztyn's love poetry), which appeared in the periodical "Ogród" (no. 3). He defended his doctoral thesis, Poeta barokowy wobec śmierci i przemijania. Hieronim Morsztyn, Szymon Zimorowic, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn (Baroque Poets on Death and Passing: Hieronim Morsztyn, Szymon Zimorowic, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn), at the Faculty of Polish Philology at UW in 1996. He was supervised by Prof. Jan Ślaski. Between 2002 and 2005, he was associate dean of the Faculty of Polish Philology at UW. He was awarded a habilitation degree in 2004 for his study Z literatury religijnej polskiego średniowiecza. Studia o czterech tekstach – „Kazanie na dzień św. Katarzyny”, „Legenda o św. Aleksym”, „Lament świętokrzyski”, „Żołtarz Jezusow” (Aspects of Polish Medieval Religious Literature: A Study of Four Texts. A sermon for St Catherine's Day, the Legend of St Alexius, the Holy Cross Lament, and the "Żołtarz Jezusow"). Between 2007 and 2016, he was the UW Rector's Representative for Teaching Quality. From 2007 to 2021, he was a member of the editorial committee of the yearbook "Prace Filologiczne. Seria Literaturoznawcza". He served on the editorial board for four issues of the journals Alegorie i symbole (parts 1 and 2) and Biblioteka (parts 1 and 2; 2016–18). In 2008, he was appointed to a position at the Artes Liberales Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies (now the Faculty of Artes Liberales). In 2010, he joined the Scientific Council of the journal "Przegląd Humanistyczny". In 2011, he joined the Interdisciplinary Circle on Old Polish Culture at the College of Inter-area Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (MISH) at UW. In 2012, he was appointed to the editorial committee of the publication series Studia Staropolskie. Series Nova (Old Polish Studies. Series Nova), which appeared with the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN). He was made state-appointed professor in 2015. From 2017 to 2023, he participated in thirteen episodes of the television show Kronos, which was presented by Prof. Piotr Nowak and broadcast on TVP Kultura. From 2017 to 2022, he was coordinator of the the Między Wschodem a Zachodem. Historia kultury i myśli (Between East and West: The History of Culture and Ideas) programme at the Artes Liberales Faculty of UW. The programme was run jointly with the University of Cologne and the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He also gave lectures as part of the outreach programmes, Szkoła Otwarta VI Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. T. Reytana w Warszawie (Open School of the T. Reytan Grammar School No. IV in Warsaw; 2011–15), the cycle Pierwsze/Najstarsze (First/OIdest) at the National Library (BN) in Warsaw (2016), the second edition of TEDxUW: Theory of Everything (2018), "Lekcje o człowieku. Klasyka na nowo odczytana" (Lessons about People: Re-reading the Classics) – which was conducted by the Foundation for the Polish Language and funded by the National Culture Centre (2020), and "E-materiały dydaktyczne do języka polskiego" (E-Materials for Teaching Polish Language) – as part of the Integrated Educational Platform of the Ministry of Education and Science (2021). In 2018, 2019 and 2020/21, he was invited to be a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge University, where he taught an Introduction to the Language, Literature and Culture of Poland. In 2019, he joined the Editorial Committee of the journal "Pamiętnik Literacki". From 2021 to 2024, he was director of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at UW. He lives in Grodzisk Mazowiecki. He married the Polish philologist Barbara Stępień in 1991.
1. Poeta barokowy wobec przemijania i śmierci. Hieronim Morsztyn, Szymon Zimorowic, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG 1996, 168 s.
2. Żyrafa, czyli Po co i jak czytać poetów współczesnych. [Studia; autorzy:] S. Falkowski, P. Stępień. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka 2000, 302 s.
3. Z literatury religijnej polskiego średniowiecza. Studia o czterech tekstach – „Kazanie na dzień św. Katarzyny”, „Legenda o św. Aleksym”, „Lament świętokrzyski”, „Żołtarz Jezusow”. Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2003, 368 s.
4. Ciężkie norwidy czyli Subiektywny przewodnik po literaturze polskiej. [Autorzy:] S. Falkowski, P. Stępień. Warszawa: Świat Książki – Bertelsmann Media 2009, 704 s.
5. Śmiech w czasach ostatecznych. Tematyka religijna w „Figlikach” Mikołaja Reja. Warszawa: Wydział Artes Liberales Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2013, 179 s.
6. Zadanie. „Chaskiel” Tadeusza Różewicza. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa 2017, 230 s.
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