Born on 19 March 1910 in Krzeszowice (Lesser Poland); son of the carpenter and wood mill owner Wojciech Wyka, and Maria née Piętakiewicz; father of the literary critic and literary historian Marta Wyka. He attended the Adam Mickiewicz Grammar School No. VII in Krakow between 1920 and 1928, when he completed his advanced secondary education. He then studied Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow, graduating with a master's degree in 1932. During his studies, he was involved in the activities of the Circle of Polish Philologists at UJ. He made his debut in 1930 with the article O najlepszych filmach sezonu wypowiadają się nasi czytelnicy (Readers discuss the best films of this season) in the film periodical "Kino" (no. 26). His first piece of literary criticism appeared in 1932 in the weekly "Kultura" (no. 19), Czas i człowiek w „Nocach i dniach” (Time and humanity in "Noce i dnie" [by XY]). In 1932/33, he was an unpaid trainee teacher at the A. Witkowski Grammar School No. VIII in Krakow. In 1933/34, he continued his studies in Belgium and France on a National Cultural Foundation scholarship. After returning to Poland in 1934, he was appointed junior research assistant at the Chair of the History of Polish Literature at UJ, while the following year he taught practical courses on poetics. He married the civil servant Jadwiga Szybińska in 1935. He was awarded a doctoral degree from UJ in 1937 for his thesis Studia nad programem Młodej Polski (Studies on the Programme of the Young Poland Movement), which was supervised by Prof. Stefan Kołaczkowski. His work in research and literary criticism developed, with texts appearing in "Droga" (1933 and 1935-36), "Tygodnik Ilustrowany" (1933-37), "Pion" (1933-35 and 1937-38), "Rocznik Literacki" (including the overview pieces in 1934 – Literatura podróżnicza [Travel writing], 1936 – Kronika literacka [Literary chronicles], 1938 – Czasopisma literackie [Literary periodicals]), "Marchołt" (1935-37), "Gazeta Polska" (1936-39) and "Nowa Książka" (1937-39). He was a member of the Polish Writers' Trade Union (ZZLP). In June 1939, he was appointed to both the Literary Commission and the Sociological Commission of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU). He spent most of the the Nazi occupation of Poland in Krzeszowice, officially as an employee at his father's wood mill. Fearing arrest, he sought shelter for a brief period in 1940 on the estate of Ludwik Hieronim Morstin in Pławowice, in the Miechów district. He was actively involved in the work of the underground literary and scholarly world; in September 1939 already, he served on the jury of the first underground J. Czechowicz poetry prize, while in 1942 he was a participant of the secret meetings of UJ linguists and literary historians, as well as the PAU Literary History Commission. He was a lecturer at the secret university in Krakow. In Krzeszowice, he was involved in offering secret teaching at grammar school level and he also collaborated with the underground Unia Federation of National-Catholic Organizations. In 1942-43, published texts in the underground Krakow-based literary monthly "Miesięcznik Literacki" (including List do Jana Bugaja [Letter to Jan Bugaj], 1943, June issue). After the end of the war in 1945, he continued to work at UJ, initially as a senior assistant. In 1946, he was awarded a habilitation degree for his study Cyprian Norwid, poeta i sztukmistrz (Cyprian Norwid: Poet and playwright). He was subsequently appointed acting professor at UJ until 1948, when he was made an associate professor of the Jagiellonian University. That year, he was involved in the founding of the Institute of Literary Research (IBL PAN) in Warsaw. Between 1950 and 1952, he was associate dean of the Faculty of Humanities at UJ. He was a member of the editorial committee of the national edition of Adam Mickiewicz's Dzieła (Works; vols 1-16, 1949-55). Together with the team running IBL, he was awarded the State Prize – second class in the humanities. The same year, he was appointed to the Committee for State Prizes awarded in recognition of achievements in research, technological progress and the arts, serving on the committee's literary section. In parallel to his university career, he was also actively involved in literary life. Between 1945 and 1950, he served as editor-in-chief of the monthly "Twórczość", where he also published numerous articles and reviews from 1946 to 1950. He published pieces of literary criticism and literary texts in numerous other periodicals, including "Odrodzenie" (1945-49; including in 1946-48 the column piece Szkoła krytyków [Critics' School], which appeared under the byline kjw), "Przekrój" (1945 and 1947-49), "Listy z Teatru" (1946-48), "Dziennik Literacki" (1947 and 1949-51), "Życie Literackie" (intermittently 1950-72; including in 1958 correspondence published under the pseudonym Marta Gryczanka), and in "Nowa Kultura" (1951-61). He received the Literary Prize of the Krakow Voivodeship in 1947, while the following year he was awarded the prize of the National Cultural Foundation for the Krakow Voivodeship. He was actively involved in the work of the Polish Writers' Union (ZLP), serving as chair of the Krakow Branch in 1945, while in 1947/48 he was a member of its Executive Board, serving as its deputy chair from 1950 to 1952. He served on the Executive Board again in 1957/58. Between 1949 and 1952, he chaired the Club of Democratic Professorships at UJ. He was appointed corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in 1952. He was appointed director of IBL PAN the same year. Between 1952 and 1956, he was a deputy of the Polish parliament, the Sejm of the People's Republic of Poland. In 1953-54, he was secretary of the Social Sciences Section of PAN, while in 1954-55 he was deputy Research Secretary of PAN. Between 1953 and 1959, he was deputy editor-in-chief of "Pamiętnik Literacki", subsequently serving from 1960 to 1974 on the literary quarterly's editorial committee. He was made full professor in 1954, the same year that he became a full member of PAN. From 1954, he served on the editorial committee of Słownik języka Adama Mickiewicza (Dictionary of the language of Adam Mickiewicz, vols 1-11, published 1962-83). In 1955, he received the prize of the Minister of Higher Education – second class, while in 1958 he was awarded the "Życie Literackie" prize in recognition of his literary criticism on contemporary Polish literature. During this period, he published literary sketches and analytical pieces in numerous periodicals, including "Twórczość" (1957-69), "Przegląd Kulturalny" (1957-59 and 1962) and "Tygodnik Powszechny" (1957-58, 1964-65, and 1970). In 1960, he was appointed to the editorial committee of the IBL publication series Historia i Teoria Literatury (Literary History and Theory). From 1961, he served on the editorial committee of the literary yearbook "Rocznik Literacki", while from 1963 he was on the editorial board of "Rocznik Komisji Historycznoliterackiej PAN", the yearbook of the PAN Literary History Commission. He was chair of its editorial college between 1972 and 1975. He edited entries to the Polski słownik biograficzny (Polish Dictionary of Literary Biography) and the Wielkiej encyklopedii powszechnej PWN (PWN Great Universal Encyclopaedia, vols 1-13, published 1962-70). From 1963 to 1965, he was vicerector of UJ. He was among the writers and intellectuals who signed the Letter of 34 in March 1964 in defence of free speech, although he subsequently withdrew his name. Between 1965 and 1975, he served on the chief editorial board of the multi-volume work Obraz literatury polskiej XIX i XX wieku (The Image of Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Polish Literature), published by IBL PAN. In 1965, he received the prize of the Minister of Higher Education – first class, for his exceptional research achievements, while in 1970 he received the "Życie Literackie" prize in recognition of his work in literary criticism. He published articles and literary sketches in periodicals including the current affairs weekly "Polityka" (1962 and 1965-67), "Kultura" (intermittently 1963-74), "Nauka Polska" 1964-65 and 1969-70), and "Miesięcznik Literacki" (1967-69). In 1970, he was recalled from his role as director of IBL PAN and appointed director of the Department of Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Literature at the newly-founded Institute of Polish Philology at UJ. In 1972, he received the State Prize – first class, and the prize of the Minister of Education and Higher Education – first class for research. In 1973, he was one of the co-organizers of the International Congress of Slavists in Warsaw, having attended many previous editions of this event abroad. From 1973, he served as Chair of the Scientific Council of IBL PAN. In 1974, he received the prize of the Committee for Radio and Television in recognition of his work in promoting literature among the general population. He published numerous articles, including texts in the journal "Literatura" (1972-74). He was a member of the editorical committee of the encyclopaedic reference guide Literatura polska (Polish Literature, vols 1-2, published 1984-85). He was deputy chair of the Cracovia sports club. He was the recipient of numerous honours, including the Order of the Banner of Labour – second class (1950) and first class (1956), the Officer's Cross (1952) and the Commander's Cross with Star (1954) of the Order of Polonia Restituta. He died suddenly of a heart attack on 19 January 1975 in Krakow and is buried in the city's Salwator Cemetery. The mayor of the city of Krakow established the Kazimierz Wyka Prize in 1981. It is awarded for outstanding essays in the field of literary criticism, literary history and art history.
1. Modernizm polski. Struktura i rozwój. Powst. 1937. Druk w: Modernizm polski zob. poz. ↑ s. 3-195. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ (t. 1).
2. Pokolenia literackie. Powst. ok. 1938. Druk rozdziału pt. Rozwój problemu pokolenia. „Przegląd Socjologiczny” 1939 z. 1/2 s. 159-192. Wyd. całości w nowej poszerzone wersji [powst. 1940] z przedmową H. Markiewicza. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1977, 315 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 4].
3. Pamiętnik po klęsce. Powst. 1939/40. [Esej]. Druk w: Z pism Kazimierza Wyki zob. poz. ↑ [t. 1] s. 223-300.
4. Cyprian Norwid, poeta i sztukmistrz. Kraków: Polska Akademia Umiejętności 1948, 166 s. Prace Komisji Historycznoliterackiej, 1.
5. Pogranicze powieści. Proza polska w latach 1945-1948. [Studia i szkice]. Kraków: M. Kot 1948, 389 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 poszerzone Warszawa: Czytelnik 1974, 501 s., wyd. 3 tamże 1989. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 8].
6. Legenda i prawda „Wesela” [S. Wyspiańskiego]. [Studium]. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1950, 79 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑(t. 1).
7. Teka Stańczyka na tle historii Galicji w latach 1849-1869. [Monografia]. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Ossolineum 1951, 226 s.
8. Zarys współczesnej literatury polskiej (1884-1925). Kraków: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1951, 279 s., powielone. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.
9. Historia literatury polskiej. Dla klasy 10. Cz. 1. Romantyzm. Warszawa: Państwowe Zakłady Wydawnictw Szkolnych 1952, 396 s. Wyd. nast. tamże: wyd. 2 1953, wyd. 3 zmienione i poprawione 1954, wyd. 4 z podtytułem Literatura okresu romantyzmu 1955.
10. Matejko i Słowacki. [Studia i szkice]. Warszawa: Czytelnik 1953, 156 s.
11. O formie prawdziwej „Pana Tadeusza”. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1955, 144 s. Z Prac Dyskusyjnych Komisji Naukowej Obchodu Roku Mickiewiczowskiego PAN.
12. Szkice literackie i artystyczne. T. 1-2. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1956, 330 + 354 s.
13. Życie na niby. Szkice z lat 1939-1945. Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza 1957, 214 s. Wyd. nast.: tamże: wyd. 2 poszerzone 1959, wyd. 3 1985; Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas 2010. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ (t. 1), ↑ [t. 1].
Inne formy wydań
14. Duchy poetów podsłuchane. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1959, 144 s. Wyd. 2 [zmien.] tamże 1962.
15. Juliusz Słowacki a współczesność. Warszawa 1959, 27 s., powielone. Rok Słowackiego 1809-1959. Materiały Sesji Naukowej 25-28 listopada 1959.
16. Modernizm polski. [Studia i szkice]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1959, XIII, 338 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 zmienione i powiększone tamże 1968, 527 s.
Inne formy wydań
17. Rzecz wyobraźni. [Studia i szkice]. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1959, 483 s. Wyd. 2 rozszerzone tamże 1977, 600 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 6].
Inne formy wydań
18. Krzysztof Baczyński. (1921-1944). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1961, 132 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 5].
19. Makowski. [Biografia]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1963, 173 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 1973.
20. „Pan Tadeusz”. T. 1-2. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1963, 326 + 411 s. PAN IBL. Historia i Teoria Literatury. Studia, 1.
T. 1. Studia o poemacie.
T. 2. Studia o tekście.
21. Podróż do krainy nieprawdopodobieństwa. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1964, 138 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 3].
22. Łowy na kryteria. [Studia i szkice]. Warszawa: Czytelnik 1965, 290 s.
23. Norwid w Krakowie. [Rozprawa]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1967, 107 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 3].
24. Stara szuflada. [Studia i szkice]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1967, 286 s. Przedruk częściowy zob. poz. ↑.
25. Aleksander Fredro. [Biografia]. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1968, 86 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 1986.
26. O potrzebie historii literatury. Szkice polonistyczne z lat 1944-1967. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1969, 361 s.
27. Thanatos i Polska, czyli o Jacku Malczewskim. [Studia i szkice]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1971, 176 s.
28. Wędrując po tematach. [Studia i szkice]. T. 1-3. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1971, 344 + 439 + 569 s.
T. 1. Czasy.
T. 2. Puścizna.
T. 3. Muzy.
29. Młoda Polska. [Studia i szkice]. T. 1-2. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1977, 362 + 363 s. Wyd. nast. tamże 2003. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 2].
T. 1. Modernizm polski. Zob. poz. ↑, ↑.
T. 2. Szkice z problematyki epoki.
30. Różewicz parokrotnie. [Szkice]. Oprac.: M. Wyka. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1977, 125 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 5].
31. Nowe i dawne wędrówki po tematach. [Studia i szkice]. Posłowie: M. Wyka. Warszawa: Czytelnik 1978, 485 s.
32. Opowiadania. Słowo wstępne: W. Maciąg. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1978, 336 s.
33. Reymont, czyli ucieczka od życia. [Studia i szkice]. Oprac.: B. Koc. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1979, 215 s.
34. Odeszli. [Wspomnienia]. Posłowie: M. Wyka. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1983, 317 s.
35. Z pism Kazimierza Wyki. Pod red. H. Markiewicza i M. Wyki. [T. 1-8]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1984-2003.
[T. 1]. Życie na niby [poz. ↑]; Pamiętnik po klęsce [poz. ↑]. 1984, 300 s.
[T. 2]. Młoda Polska. T. 1-2. 1987, 375 + 386 s. Zob. poz. ↑.
[T. 3]. Cyprian Norwid. Studia, artykuły, recenzje. 1989, 370 s.
[T. 4]. Pokolenia literackie. Posłowie: Z. Górzyna. 1989, 303 s. Zob. poz. ↑.
[T. 5]. Baczyński i Różewicz. [Studia i szkice]. 1994, 241 s.
[T. 6]. Rzecz wyobraźni. Wyd. 1 w tej edycji. 1997, 635 s. Zob. poz. ↑.
[T. 7]. Stara szuflada i inne szkice z lat 1932-1939. Oprac.: M. Urbanowski. [Wyd. 1 w tej edycji]. 2000, 773 s. Zob. poz. ↑.
[T. 8]. Pogranicze powieści. 2003, 535 s. Zob. poz. ↑.
36. List do Jana Bugaja [poz. ↑]; Droga do Baczyńskiego. [Szkice]. Oprac. i przypisami opatrzyła A. Kmita-Piorunowa. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1986, 41 s.
37. Wyznania uduszonego. [Studia i szkice]. Oprac.: M. Wyka. Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas 1995, 208 s.
38. Wśród poetów. [Studia i szkice]. Wybór: M. Wyka. Wstęp: M. Stala. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 2000, 217 s.
39. Tylnym pomostem. Felietony zebrane. Zebrał, oprac. i wstępem opatrzył P. Mackiewicz. Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas 2014, 329 s., Krytyka XX i XXI Wieku; 24.
40. Wybór pism. Wstęp i opracowanie: P. Mackiewicz. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich 2019, CXLVIII, 828 s., Biblioteka Narodowa I, nr 333.
Artykuły w czasopismach i książkach zbiorowych,
Wybory tekstów w przekładach
Prace edytorskie i redakcyjne
[T. 1]. Komitet redakcyjny: D. Davie, I. Fonagy, R. Jakobson, D. Lichačev, M.R. Mayenowa, K. Wyka, S. Żółkiewski. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1961, XXIII, 893 s.
[T.] 2. Komitet redakcyjny: R. Jakobson, M.R. Mayenowa, W. Steinitz, K. Wyka, S. Żółkiewski. The Hague: Mouton; Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 1966, [10], 386 s.
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 1951.
• Informacje od rodziny 2003.