Born on 3 May 1891 in Podgórze (now a district of Krakow); son of the lawyer and later mayor of Podgórze Abraham Markus (Marek) Peiper (d. 1903), and the property landlord Sara Salomea (Maria Elżbieta) Eisen (Tarlińska after her first marriage). He initially attended school in Podgórze before joining King Jan Sobieski Grammar School No. II in Krakow. During his school years, he was involved in socialist youth groups. He completed his advanced secondary education in 1909 before studying philosophy and aesthetics until 1910 at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow. In 1911, he joined a university in Berlin. After returning to Krakow, he studied at the Faculty of Law at UJ during the 1911/12 semester, before rejoining the Faculty of Philosophy in the second semester of 1912/13 and the first semester of 1913/14 to study philosophy and the history of art. Around 1914, he started writing his first works of poetry. He continued his studies in Paris, where he attended lectures by Henri Bergson. Following the outbreak of World War I, he was interned by the French authorities as an Austrian citizen, but was soon granted permission to leave for Spain. Between 1915 and 1920, he lived in Madrid, where he maintained contacts with the Polish community and local artistic groups. Having become fluent in Spanish, he published journalistic and literary pieces in Madrid-based periodicals including "El Sol" (where he made his debut with the article Calderon en Polonia, 1917, 24 December issue), "España", "La Lectura", and "La Publicidad". He also began submitting articles to the Polish press, where his first article was titled Sprawa rolna w Hiszpanii (The agricultural question in Spain), which appeared in 1917 in "Kurier Lwowski" (no. 354). He returned to Poland in 1921 and settled in Krakow. He continued to collaborate with the Spanish press, contributing correspondence on political issues, mainly the Silesian question. He also wrote for the local Krakow press. He was involved in Krakow artistic circles and took part in, among other things, the opening of the Gałka Muszkatołowa (Nutmeg) futurists' club. Together with Leon Chwistek, he formed the Krakow committee of the Warsaw-based literary periodical "Nowa Sztuka" (1921-22). He was founder and theorist of the group of poets known as Awangarda Krakowska (Krakow Avant-garde), who were active between 1922 and 1927. From May 1922, he edited the group's publication "Zwrotnica" (1922-23 and from 1926 to June 1927; 12 issues appeared in total). He published manifesto pieces and poems in the periodical (using the pseudonyms Jan Alden, Jan Badyński, Marian Bielski, and Wojciech Dugiel). In 1927, financial difficulties led him to taking on a job as proofreader for the Krakow-based publisher Księgarnia Powszechna. His poems, reviews, articles, and translations appeared in periodicals including "Świat" (1925-30), "Głos Literacki" (1928-29), "Kwadryga" (1928-30), "Robotnik" (1931-32), "Kurier Poranny" (regular contributor 1932-35), "Czas" (1933-39), "Pion" (1933-38), and "Sygnały" (1936-37). He participated in discussions involving the organizers of the Cricot Artists' Theatre. In 1936, he declared his solidarity with the theses of the General Assembly of Cultural Workers for the Defence of Freedom and Progress that was held in Lwów (today's Lviv, Ukraine). Together with Ludwik Puget, he co-founded a cultural association in Krakow (it was established in December 1938 but never formally commenced its activities). Following the outbreak of World War II, he escaped in November 1939 to Lwów (Lviv), which by then had been incorporated into the USSR. He found work at the Ossolineum – Ossoliński National Institute, which at that time had been made into a branch of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kyiv. He was arrested alongside Władysław Broniewski and Aleksander Wat in January 1940 by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the Soviet Union and transported to the Lubyanka prison in Moscow. Following the outbreak of the German-Soviet war in 1941, he was evacuated to Saratov. Following his release towards the end of that year, he spent time in Kuybyshev (today: Samara), where he wrote his memoirs relating to his experiences in 1939. Between 1942 and 1944, he published four short articles in "Nowe Widnokręgi" and "Wolna Polska", Polish-language publications associated with communist groups. In June 1943, he served as a delegate to the Assembly of the Union of Polish Patriots in Moscow, joining the union's Main Board. In August and September 1944, he travelled to Yakutsk in order to collect materials relating to the Polish community. He returned to Poland that year, initially settling in Lublin and then in Lodz, before moving to Krakow in May 1945. He collaborated periodicals, including "Odrodzenie" (1945-48) and "Twórczość" (1945-52) where he published theatre reviews. He moved to Warsaw in 1949. He collaborated regularly with the theatre journal "Teatr" (1947-54) and the Catholic weekly "Tygodnik Powszechny" (1949 and 1954-55). He wrote his memoirs, and worked on (unpublished) books relating to the dances of the mountain folk and on the theatre of Tadeusz Pawlikowski. He withdrew from literary life around 1957 as a result of his deteriorating mental health. He remained active as a writer, although he did not collaborate with publishing houses or periodicals. He died on 10 November 1969 in Warsaw and is buried at the city's Powązki Military Cemetery. In 1970, the Wroclaw-based Literary Group '66 established a poetry prize that was named after him.
1. „A”. [Wiersze]. Rysunki: M. Kisling. Kraków: „Zwrotnica” 1924, 30 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑[t.4], ↑.
2. Żywe linie. Poezje. Rysunki: J. Gris. Kraków: „Zwrotnica” [1924], 23 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 4], ↑.
3. Nowe usta. Odczyt o poezji. Lwów: Ateneum 1925, 67 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 1], ↑.
4. Szósta! Szósta! Utwór teatralny w 2 częściach. Kraków: „Zwrotnica” 1925, 43 s. Prapremiera: Reżyseria: J. Wróblewski. Kalisz, Teatr im. W. Bogusławskiego 1974. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑[t. 4].
5. Raz. Poezje. Warszawa: F. Hoesick 1929, 59 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 4].
Wyd. osobne poematu Na plaży: Oprac. i wstępem opatrzył A.K. Waśkiewicz. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Morskie 1982, 47 s.
6. Tędy. Warszawa: F. Hoesick 1930, 419 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑[t. 1], ↑.
7. Na przykład. Poemat aktualny. Kraków: [b.w.] 1931, 36 s. Wyd. nast. zob. poz. ↑ [t. 4], ↑.
8. Skoro go nie ma. Utwór teatralny w 3 aktach. Warszawa: Rój 1933, 94 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 4]. Prapremiera: Reżyseria: J. Wróblewski. Warszawa, Teatr Ateneum 1973.
9. Stary mąż młodej żony. [Szkic o „Mazepie” J. Słowackiego]. Kraków: „Czas” 1933, 19 s.
10. Poematy. [Kraków]: Koło Wydawnicze „Teraz” 1935, 175 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑.
11. Ma lat 22. Powieść. (Z serii „Poprzez lata”). [Kraków]: Koło Wydawnicze „Teraz” 1936, 388 s. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 3].
12. Pierwsze trzy miesiące. Pamiętnik [z IX-XI 1939]. Powst. Kujbyszew 1941-1943. Druk fragmentów: Przyczyny klęski. „Nowe Widnokręgi”, Kujbyszew 1943 nr 15; Czy Kraków porzucić? „Odrodzenie” 1946 nr 18; Z epizodów wrześniowych: „Odrodzenie” 1946 nr 36, 38, „Dziennik Polski” 1946 nr 244, nr 258, 272; „Dziennik Literacki” 1949 nr 35, 36, 39, 40; Pierwsze trzy miesiące. „Warszawa” 1949 nr 6; z przedmową Tadeusza Peipera „Odra” 1974 nr 2-9. Wyd. osobne całości zob. poz. ↑ [t. 5].
13. Krzysztof Kolumb odkrywca. Powieść. Warszawa: Czytelnik 1949, 264 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 1949. Przedruk zob. poz. ↑ [t. 3].
14. Księga pamiętnikarza. [Dziennik z lat 1956-1957; fragmenty]. Wyd. i oprac.: A. Gronczewski. „Poezja” 1972 nr 1 s. 3-21; fragmenty ze wstępem S. Rośka. W: Maski. T. 1. Gdańsk 1986 s. 275-312.
15. Pisma. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1972-2004.
[T. 1]. Tędy; Nowe usta. Przedmowa, komentarz, nota biograficzna: S. Jaworski. Oprac. tekstu: T. Podoska. 1972, 442 s. Zob. poz. ↑, ↑.
[T. 2]. O wszystkim i jeszcze o czymś. Artykuły, eseje i wywiady. (1918-1939). Przedmowa, komentarz, bibliografia: S. Jaworski. Oprac. tekstu: T. Podoska. 1974, 676 s.
[T. 3] Ma lat 22; Krzysztof Kolumb odkrywca. [Powieści]. Przedmowa, komentarz: S. Jaworski. Oprac. tekstu: T. Podoska. 1977, 616 s. Zob. poz. ↑, ↑.
[T. 4]. Poematy i utwory teatralne. Przedmowa, oprac. tekstu, komentarz: A.K. Waśkiewicz. Utwory „Z dróg wojennych” oprac. i komentarzem opatrzył S. Jaworski. 1979, 821 s.
[T. 5]. Pierwsze trzy miesiące. Oprac. tekstu: S. Góra. 1990, 497 s. Zob. poz. ↑.
[T. 6]. Wśród ludzi na scenach i na ekranie. [Szkice]. Przedmowa: S. Jaworski. Oprac. tekstu i komentarz: K. i J. Fazanowie. T. 1-2. 2000, 788 + 774 s.
[T. 7]. Gabriela Zapolska jako aktorka. [Przedmowa, oprac. tekstu i komentarz: J. Fazan]. 2004, 695 s.
16. Wybór wierszy. Wyboru dokonał J. Leszin-Koperski. Warszawa: Universitas 1972, 31 s.
17. Myśli o poezji. Przedmowa: J. Brzękowski, J. Kurek. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 1974, 170 s.
18. Poezje wybrane. Wyboru dokonał, wstępem i notą opatrzył K. Karasek. Warszawa: Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza 1978, 134 s.
19. Pisma wybrane. Oprac.: S. Jaworski. Wrocław, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Ossolineum 1979, LXXX, 386 s. Biblioteka Narodowa I, 235.
20. Poematy rozkwitające. [Wiersze i poematy]. Bielsko-Biała: Profile 1993, 110 s.
21. Sam chcę nadać sobie imię. [Wiersze]. Wybrał i wstępem opatrzył J. Koperski. Warszawa: Anagram 1993, 191 s.
Przekłady utworów literackich w antologiach zagranicznych
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 1951.