Born on 9 March 1970 in Białystok; daughter of the hydraulic engineer Hieronim Leonowicz and the teacher Wanda, née Surmasiewicz. She attended King Zygmunt August Grammar School (No. 6) in Białystok. Between 1986 and 1990 she was also a pupil in the higher grades at the State Music School (Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna) in the city. She completed advanced secondary education in 1988 and started a degree in Polish philology at the Białystok campus of the University of Warsaw (UW). She composed various literary works during this period, publishing a prose piece in 1992 in the periodical "Kartki" (No. 2) titled Hamlet. She was awarded a master's degree with distinction in 1994 and was subsequently employed as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Warsaw campus of UW which in 1997 became the University of Białystok (Uniwersytet w Białymstoku – UwB). She conducted classes for students of cultural-educational pedagogy until 1998, likewise as part of extramural courses in Grodno, Belarus. She trained participants involved in the Olympiad in Polish Literature and Language (Olimpiada Literatury i Języka Polskiego) for those outside Poland. As part of trips to Belarus coordinated by the NGO Stowarzyszenie "Wspólnota Polska" (literally: Polish Community Association), she worked with young people in Grodno, where she taught at the Polish grammar school (Liceum Społeczne Polskiej Macierzy Szkolnej) in 1996, and in Vawkavysk (Wołkowysk), where she taught at Polish-language primary schools. In 1995/96 she was also a teaching assistant at the now-defunct private university Wszechnica Mazurska in Olecko. She published her debut article, Język kobiet i język mężczyzn w „Menażerii ludzkiej” Gabrieli Zapolskiej (The language of males and females in Gabriela Zapolska's "Menażeria ludzka"), in 1995 in the quarterly "Test" (no. 1), which was issued by the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Bialystok campus of UW. She remained a contributor and member of the journal's editorial board until it ceased publication in 1997. She considers the article Dramatyczny świat codzienności Mirona Białoszewskiego (The dramatic everyday world in the works of Miron Białoszewski), published in the volume Konflikty współczesnej kultury (Conflicts in Contemporary Culture; Białystok, 1995) to constitute her actual debut academic publication. In 1995 she joined Stowarzyszenie Pracowników i Absolwentów Wydziału Pedagogiki i Psychologii UwB „Trans Humana” (the TransHumana Association of Employees and Graduates of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at UwB), also serving as the secretary of the editorial board and editor of the association's journal "Trans Humana" between 1997 and 1999. Between 1995 and 1998 she was a member of the Podlasie Regional Branch of the Wspólnota Polska Association. She defended her doctoral dissertation, Obraz kobiety w prozie polskiej po roku 1989 (The image of women in Polish prose after 1989), in 2000 at Nicolaus Copernicus University (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika – UMK) in Toruń. It was supervised by Prof. Krystyna Jakowska. She became a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Philology at UwB the same year, initially working in the Department of Library Studies until its closure in 2003. She then transferred to the Department of Interwar and Contemporary Literature. She taught courses in library studies and information science, as well as in Polish studies. She also taught on postgraduate programmes in library studies organized between 2000 and 2004 by the Faculty of Philology and the private university Wszechnica Mazurska. She collaborated with the teacher training centre Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli in Białystok between 2002 and 2011, giving lectures and teaching exam courses on children's literature as part of its qualification programme. She was active in public engagement and cultural life organizing, among other things, meetings with authors at the regional public library Książnica Podlaska im. Ł. Górnickiego in Białystok, while also holding lecturers for library employees from the Podlasie voivodeship between 2000 and 2003. She also supervised students involved in a programme popularizing reading and literature at the primary school in Gąski and in the Suwałki region (2004-2005). She participated in the Podlasie Science Festival (Podlaski Festiwal Nauki) and in the project "Podlasie w badaniach naukowych" (Podlasie in research, 2007–14). She was a member of the editorial board of the journal "Nowy Test", published by the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at UwB between 2000 and 2001 and of the UwB academic publication series Dziedzictwo przeszłości związków językowych, literackich i kulturowych polsko–bałto-wschodniosłowiańskich (The legacy of past Polish-Baltic-Eastern Slavonic linguistic, literary and cultural relations; 2001–03). She spent six months on an internship in 2001 at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN), training in the fields of editorship and textual studies under the supervision of Prof. Janusz Maciejewski. During this period she also joined the Editorial Commission of the Adam Mickiewicz Literary Society (Komisja Edytorska przy Towarzystwie Literackim im. A. Mickiewicza). She has been a member of the Society since 2015. She received a grant from the Foundation for Polish Science (Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej – FNP) in 2003 to conduct research in the archives of the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature (Muzeum Literatury im. A. Mickiewicza) in Warsaw, with a particular focus on documents relating to Jerzy Andrzejewski. Her work was supervised by Prof. Alina Brodzka-Wald of IBL PAN. She also started conducting research at the Central Archives of Modern Records (Archiwum Akt Nowych – AAN) during this period, exploring the records of the communist-era censorship authorities, the Main Office for the Control of the Press, Publications, and Public Performances (Główny Urząd Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk – GUKPPiW). This research was funded over several years through individual research grants and a stipend awarded by the rector of UwB. Her articles and reviews appeared in journals including "Nowy Test” (2000–01), "Bibliotekarz Podlaski” (2001–02), "Teksty Drugie” (2004, 2006, 2011 and 2015), "Pamiętnik Literacki" (2006–08, 2010 and 2014) and "Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny" (2014). She was awarded a habilitation degree in 2010 for her study Literatura i pisarze wobec cenzury PRL. 1948–1958 (to be published in English in 2019 as "Writers, Literature and Censorship in Poland: 1948-1958) by IBL PAN in Warsaw. That year she also joined the Scientific Council of the Institute of Polish Philology at UwB and the Council of the Faculty of Philology. She gave lectures on editing contemporary texts and literary censorship as part of the specialist programme in editing and philology at the Department of Polish Studies in Białystok. She was part of the team that developed this programme in 2009. In 2011 she became the principal investigator on the project Cenzura wobec literatury polskiej w latach 1945–1989 (Censorship and Polish literature, 1945-1989), which was funded for five years by the Ministry of Higher Education's National Programme for the Development of Humanities (Narodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki). She conceived and then led the Centre for Philological Research on Censorship in People's Poland (Ośrodek Badań Filologicznych nad Cenzurą PRL), which was approved by the senate of the University of Białystok in 2011 and in 2017 became a chair. She was also the founder and editor of the Centre's publication series Badania Filologiczne nad Cenzurą PRL (Philological Research on Censorship in People's Poland), which has appeared since 2012. She has spoken at several dozen academic conferences in Poland and abroad, while she has also lectured at the University of Latvia in Riga in 2012 and at the University of Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria in 2016 as part of the Erasmus+ programme. She was a research fellow at the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES) at the University of Glasgow in 2013 and at the Peter Pazmany Catholic University in Budapest as part of the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) in 2015. She has disseminated knowledge on censorship mechanisms to the general public in various ways, including appearances on Polish Radio in 2013. She has received awards for her administrative activities from UwB (in 2003, 2007 and 2012), while she also won the UwB rector's scientific prizes in 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014/2015. Between 2013 and 2014 she was head of the Deprartment of Interwar and Contemporary Literature at UwB. She was made a state-appointed professor in 2015. In 2017 she acquired the Chair of Philological Research on Censorship in People's Poland and Editorship (Katedra Badań Filologicznych nad Cenzurą PRL i Edytorstwa). The same year, she was made a reviewer for applications to the European Research Council's panel SH5: Cultures and Cultural Production, while in 2018 the Polish Ministry of Higher Education appointed her to the interdisciplinary expert group assessing grant applications to the programme Wsparcie dla czasopism (Support of periodicals).
She married the auditor Adam Budrowski in 1990; they had a son Szczepan (born and died 1996) and Mikołaj (b. 1997. She lives in Bialystok and Warsaw.
1. Kobieta i stereotypy. Obraz kobiety w prozie polskiej po roku 1989. [Szkice]. Białystok: Trans Humana 2000 , 192 s.
2. Literatura i pisarze wobec cenzury PRL. 1948–1958. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku 2009, 331 s.
3. Zatrzymane przez cenzurę. Inedita z połowy XX wieku. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IBL PAN 2013, 370 s. Badania Filologiczne nad Cenzurą PRL, 2.
4. Studia i szkice o cenzurze w Polsce Ludowej w latach 40. i 50. XX w. Białystok: Alter Studio 2014, 135 s.
5. [Dwa tysiące dwadzieścia] 2020. O roku ów! Literatura i kryzysy. [Wykład]. Białystok: Prymat Mariusz Śliwowski; Wydział Filologiczny. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku 2020, 37 s. Prelekcje Mistrzów Wydziału Filologicznego Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku; 16.
6. Cenzura i okolice. Studia o cenzurze instytucjonalnej w Polsce w latach 1944-1990. Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN. Wydawnictwo 2022, 251 s. Badania Filologiczne nad Cenzurą PRL; t. 10.
Artykuły w czasopismach i książkach zbiorowych,
Prace edytorskie i redakcyjne
T. 7. Z badań humanistycznych. 2001, 187 s.
T. 8. Z języka i kultury pogranicza. 2002, 217 s.
T. 9. Literatura i język na styku kultur. 2003, 210 s.
Edytorstwo a cenzura (XIX-XX wiek). Pod red. K. Budrowskiej i E. Dąbrowicz. 2015, 187 s. „Sztuka Edycji”, 1 (7) .
Poza historią literatury: nieznane archiwalia, inedita, problemy recepcji . Pod red. K. Budrowskiej, W. Gardockiego i K. Kościewicz. 2021 , 198 s. „Sztuka Edycji” , 2 (20).
Poza historią literatury: egodokumenty. Pod red. K. Budrowskiej, W. Gardockiego i K. Kościewicz. 2022 , [242] s. „Sztuka Edycji”, 1 (21).
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 2016, 2022, 2024.