Born on 9 May 1941 in Krakow; daughter of the teacher and cultural activist Józef Korcala and the teacher Jadwiga, née Tucholska. She spent her childhood in Kalisz where she attended the Anna Jagiellonka Grammar School (No. 3) from 1954. She completed her advanced secondary education in 1958. She subsequently studied Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow, graduating with a master's degree in 1963. She then studied Romance philology between 1963 and 1965 at UJ. She left for France in 1965, continuing her education in Romance studies at Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV between 1966 and 1969. She married the professor of French language and literature Jean Delaperrière in 1969. The following year, she and her husband left for Iasi in Romania where they both lectured on French literature at the local university until 1973. She made her debut in 1971 in the Iasi-based periodical "Cronica" (no. 4) with a piece of literary criticism, Apollinaire et le cubisme . She and her husband were based in Mainz, Germany, in 1973/74. Her research focused on twentieth-century Polish literature and culture, likewise in the comparative context. She defended her doctoral thesis Jan Brzękowski au carrefour des différentes tendances poétiques en France et en Pologne (Jan Brzękowski at the intersection of different poetic tendencies in France and Poland), in 1975 at Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV. She was supervised by Prof. Zygmunt Markiewicz. She was made a member of the Institute of Slavonic Studies (Institut d’Études Slaves) in 1975, becoming a member of its academic council in 1996. Since 2008 she has served on its editorial committee. Delaperrière joined the Polish Historical and Literary Society (Société Historique et Littéraire Polonaise) in 1976, becoming a member of its administrative council and its academic committee in 2004. From 1976 she taught at Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) in Paris and was appointed lecturer there in 1981. She was awarded a habilitation degree in 1984 from Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV for her study Aux sources des nouvelles structures de l’imagination poétique en Pologne (1918-1930); Étude comparée à la lumière des tendances poétiques européennes (The origins of new structures of poetic imagination in Poland (1918-1930); A comparative study in the context of European trends in poetics). She was made professor in 1985. From then until 2009 she was head of the Polish Language Section of INALCO. She was made a member of the Association of Polish Studies Scholars (Stowarzyszenia Polonistów we Francji ) in 1987 (which was later renamed: the French Society for Polish Studies: Francuskie Stowarzyszenie Studiów Polskich, Société Française des Études Polonaises) Between 1996 and 2005, she was director and deputy director of its literary commission. Delaperrière has been a member of the editorial committee of the journal "Revue des Études Slaves" since 1990. Between 1998 and 2007, she was director of Centre d’Études de l’Europe Médiane (CEEM; Centre for Central European Studies) at INALCO. From 1998 to 2005 she was head of the committee of an award for graduates in Polish studies from French universities. Since 2002 she has been a member of the Programme Council of the Katowice-based quarterly "Postscriptum Polonistyczne". She became a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) in 2005. She retired in 2009 but remained an active member of faculty at the Centre for Central European Studies at INALCO. That year she became secretary general of the Polish Historical and Literary Society in Paris. She was appointed to the academic board of the journal "Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne" and "Wielogłos", the journal of the Faculty of Polish Studies at UJ. She also joined the editorial board of "Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo", the yearbook of the Institute of Polish Language at the University of Warsaw (UW), and of the prestigious bi-monthly "Teksty Drugie". She was appointed a member and then deputy director of the International Association of Polish Studies (Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Studiów Polonistycznych), which was established in 2011. Since 2013 she has been a member of the chapter of the Wisława Szymborska Award. In 2016, she received an honorary doctorate from the University of Silesia (UŚ) and the following year from UJ. In 2018, she received the "Outstanding Pole in France" award for her work in the realm of culture. The prize is organized by Fundacja Godła Promocyjnego "Teraz Polska", the foundation of the promotional emblem "Now Poland". She was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland in 2004 and the UJ honour "Zasłużony dla Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego" in 2008. She is mother to Marc (b. 1971), André (b. 1972) and Madeleine (b. 1977). She lives in Paris.
1. Les avant-gardes polonaises et la poésie européenne. Étude sur l’imagination poétique. Paris: Institut d’Études Slaves 1991, 319 s. Travaux Publiés par l’Institut d’Études Slaves,, 33.
2. Dialog z dystansu. Studia i szkice. Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas 1998, 276 s.
3. Pod znakiem antynomii. Studia i szkice o polskiej literaturze XX wieku. Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas 2006, 280 s. Wersje francuskie większości szkiców zob. poz. ↑.
4. La littérature polonaise à l’épreuve de la modernité. Paris: Institut d’Études Slaves 2008, 472 s. Travaux Publiés par l’Institut d’Études Slaves, 53.
5. Literatura polska w interakcjach. Szkice porównawcze z literatury i kultury. Warszawa: Neriton 2010, 357 s. Nauka o Literaturze Polskiej za Granicą, t. 12.
Wersje francuskie szkiców (niepublikowane w poz.↑ i ↑: Ironia Kuśniewicza. Trop czy wizja świata?: L’Ironie de Kuśniewicz: Trope ou vision du monde? W: L’Ironie contemporaine: littérature, philosophie, politique, médias. „Les Nouveaux Cahier Franco-Polonais”. Warszawa, Paryż 2009 s. 188-203. -„La Pologne, revue politique, économique et littéraire” (1919-1934), czyli międzywojenne dylematy: „La Pologne (revue politique, économique et littéraire)’’ de 1919 à 1934: hommes, faits, langage. W: La presse polonaise en France 1918-1984. [Villeneuve d’Ascq] 1988 s. 162-176. – Walka o zaistnienie. Z dziejów polskiej inteligencji we Francji w latach 1914-1918: Stratégie politique et culturelle dans l’émigration polonaise (1914-1918). „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Studia Gallo-Polonica” 1988 t. 1 s. 51-60. – „Kultura” paryska wobec intelektualistów francuskich. Strategie, przyjaźnie, inspiracje: „Kultura” et les écrivains français, stratégies, affinités, inspirations. W: L’Autre Francophonie. Paris 2014 s. 229-242.
6. Okiem Innego. Studia porównawcze o polskiej tożsamości literackiej i kulturowej. Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas 2022, 321 s.
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• Ankiety dla Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN 2010, 2011 , 2024.