Born on 28 October 1979 in Elbląg; son of the doctor Tadeusz Dąbrowski and the ballet artist Regina Katzor. He spent his childhood in Pasłęk where he attended the Heroes of Grunwald (Bohaterów Grunwaldu) Grammar School, completing his advanced secondary education in 1998. He subsequently studied Polish at the University of Gdansk (Uniwersytet Gdański – UG). He made his debut as a poet in 1997 with the piece macierzyństwo (motherhood), which was published in the Tricity-based bi-weekly "Topos" (nos. 5/6). He joined the periodical in 2000 and was appointed to its editorial board in 2002. He also edited a series of poetry posters published by "Topos", with 50 appearing by 2011. His poems, short essays and literary reviews later appeared in periodicals including "Pogranicza" (1999-2004), "FA-art" (2000-03), "Kresy" (2000-04), "Lampa i Iskra Boża" (2000-05), "Odra" (since 2002), "Res Publica Nowa" (2002-05), "Twórczość" (2002-08), the Catholic weekly "Tygodnik Powszechny" (since 2003), "Zeszyty Literackie" (since 2006), and "Polityka" (2008-10). His poetry, which has been translated into over twenty languages, has also been published in the foreign press. In 2000 he was a member of the editorial board of the journal "Pimka" and also collaborated with the student monthly "Vivat Akademia". In 2001, he was awarded the University of Gdansk Rector's Prize for his cultural engagement. He graduated from UG with a degree in Polish philology (and editing as a minor), in 2003. He was awarded a distinction in the Czesław Zgorzelski prize for the best master's dissertation in Poland for his study Fragment i fragmentaryczność w poezji Tadeusza Różewicza (Fragments and fragmentariness in the poetry of Tadeusz Różewicz) . In 2004/05 he was an editor at Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, a publishing house specializing in psychology. He also worked as a presenter on Panorama, a news programme broadcast on the regional TVP3 network. He has also appeared from time to time on Polish Radio programmes. He is a two-time winner of the Czerwona Róża (Red rose) poetry prize (in 2000 and 2002), while he was also nominated for the Pegaz (Pegasus) television prize in 2001. He received Nagroda m. Gdańska dla Młodych Twórców (Gdansk Prize for Young Artists, 2002), the "Małe Berło" (Little Sceptre) prize of Fundacja Kultura Polskiej (Polish Cultural Foundation) following a nomination from Tadeusz Różewicz, the winner of the main "Złote Berło" (Golden Sceptre) prize (2006), Nagroda Artystyczna Gdańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Sztuki (the Arts Prize of the Gdansk Arts Society 2007), the Splendor Gedanensis prize (2007), the Geneva-based Kościelski Foundation (2009), Nagroda Literacka Warszawy (the City of Warsaw Literary Prize, 2014), the German Hubert Burda Prize for Central and East European Poets (2008), and the Horst-Bienek-Förderpreis, awarded by the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts (Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, 2014). He has been a fellow of various national and international institutions, including Fundacja im. S. Fleszarowej-Muskat (2000), Fundacja Rozwoju UG (Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdansk, 2003), Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators (Visby, 2004 and 2010), Fundacja Grazella im. A. Siemieńskiej (2004), the Marshall of the Pomeranian Voivodeship (2005, 2008 and 2013), Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (2006), the Polish Ministry of Culture and Heritage (2007 and 2010), Internationales Haus der Autoren Graz (2008), Literatur Lana (Italy, 2011), Vermont Studio Center (USA, 2011), Omi International Arts Center (USA, 2013), and Yaddo (USA, 2015), while he was also a Writer in Residence funded by Literaturhaus Zürich and the PWG Foundation (2016). He has participated in readings and literary festivals in the USA, Israel, India, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Italy, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Cyprus. In 2014, he became artistic director of the Gdansk-based festival European Poet of Freedom (Europejski Poeta Wolności).
He married the English studies scholar Agnieszka Schreier in 2008. She lives in Gdynia.
1. Wypieki. [Wiersze]. [Posłowie:] J. Baran. Gdańsk, Sopot: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 1999, 55 s.
2. e-mail. [Wiersze]. Sopot: Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sopotu 2000, 48 s. Biblioteka „Toposu”.
3. matka nadchodzi. [Wiersze i proza; arkusz poetycki]. Gdańsk: Stowarzyszenie Literackie Scriptus 2000.
4. Wiersze dla każdego i nie tylko. Gdańsk: GTPS [Gdańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sztuki] 2000, 45 s. Biblioteka Rękopisów; spotkanie 65..
5. mazurek. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Zielona Sowa 2002, 78 s. Biblioteka Pisma Literacko-Artystycznego „Studium”, 46.
6. nawroty. [Wiersze; arkusz poetycki]. Sopot 2002. Seria Plakatów Poetyckich „Toposu”..
7. Te Deum. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo a5 2005, 59 s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5, t. 48. Wyd. nast.: tamże 2008; wyd. łącznie z przekł. hiszpańskim: Te deum. [Przeł.] M. Mejía. Sevilla: La Isla de Siltolá 2016, 124 s. Siltolá Poesia, 30.
8. Czarny kwadrat. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo a5 2009, 47 s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5, t. 62.
9. Schwarzes Quadrat auf schwarzem Grund. Ausgewählte Gedichte. [Wybór wierszy]. Polnisch/Deutsch. [Przeł.:] A. Rudolph, M. Rinck, A. Gumz. [Posłowie:] M. Krüger. Wiesbaden: Lux 2010, 137 s.
10. Black square. [Wybór wierszy]. [Wstęp:] T. Różycki. [Posłowie i przekł.] A. Lloyd-Jones. Brookline, MA: Zephyr Press 2011, 112 s. New Polish Writing..
11. Pomiędzy. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo a5 2013, 51 s. Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5, t. 75.
12. Bezbronna kreska. [Powieść]. Stronie Śląskie; Wrocław: Biuro Literackie 2016, 126 s. Proza, 40.
Inne formy wydań
13. Środek wyrazu. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo a5 2016, 50 s. . Biblioteka Poetycka Wydawnictwa a5, t. 91.
14. Posts. Poems. [Przeł.] A. Lloyd-Jones. Brookline, MA: Zephyr Press 2018, 101 s.
15. Scrabble. [Wiersze]. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 2020, 52 s.
16. To jest fajka. Wiersze z lat 1999-2020. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 2022, 388 s.
Wybory utworów literackich w przekładach
Przekłady utworów literackich w antologiach zagranicznych
Prace redakcyjne
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 2011.
Autor o sobie
Te Deum
Czarny kwadrat
Schwarzes Quadrat auf schwarzem Grund
Black square
Bezbronna kreska
Zob. też Wywiady.