Born on 24 April 1939 in Warsaw; son of the English philology graduate and economist Janusz Jeżewski and the writer and journalist Zofia, née Czartkowska. After the Second World War he lived in Lodz in the house of his grandfather, the botanist, cultural historian and writer Adam Czartkowski. He attended the city's Grammar School No. 8 in 1952/53. In 1953, he moved to Warsaw, where he attended the Klement Gottwald Grammar School. From 1956 he studied Romance philology at the University of Warsaw (UW). He made his debut as a translator with Polish versions of Henri Michaux's poems that were broadcast on a poetry show on Polish Radio in February 1959. He continued to collaborate with the poetry section of Polish Radio until 1970. In 1960, his translation of a Michaux poem appeared in print as Zabierzcie mnie (Carry ma away) in the periodical "Współczesność" (no. 7). After graduate in 1963 he worked until 1966 in the Romance section of the State Publishing Institute PIW. During this period he occasionally published translations of French-language poetry, including works by A. Breton, R. Char, H. Michaux, and P. Éluard, Spanish poets, including J. Goytisolo and A. Machado, Latin American poets, including J.L. Borges, O. Paz, and J. Gorostiza, and Dutch poetry (H. Claus), in the periodicals "Poezja" (1966-70), "Współczesność" (1966, 1968, 1970), and "Kultura" (1965, 1969-70). He made his debut as a poet in 1968 with the poem MCMLXVI, which appeared in "Poezja" (no. 3). He received a fellowship to go to France in 1970 and subsequently remained in the country. A year later he began collaborating with the Polish section of Organisation de la Radiotélévison Française (ORTF), which broadcast 65 programmes that he authored on the lives of twentieth-century French poets. He worked with ORTF for three years. He studied Polish at the University of Paris from 1973 to 1975. From 1974 he largely focused on translations of Polish literature into French, including works by Witold Gombrowicz, Czesław Miłosz, Andrzej Kuśniewicz and Cyprian Kamil Norwid. He also translated French, Latin American, British and German poetry into Polish. During this period he began publishing essays in French which appeared in periodicals including
"Cahiers de l’Est" (1976; using the pen name Olivia Romagnoli). He was a member of the Polish Writers' Union (ZLP) from 1978 until its dissolution in 1983. He married the Philippine sociologist, painter and poet Maria Thelma Noval in 1976. From autumn 1978 to January 1980 he lived with his family in Cebu City in the Philippines before returning to Paris. He subsequently became active in the field of paratheatre, organizing a series of poet and musical evening events in French and Polish, where he acted as director and reciter. At the same time he remained active as a journalist and translator. He became a member of the Association des Traducteurs Littéraires de France in 1984. He occasionally published essays and articles on music, as well as translations of Polish literature, in French periodicals, including "Cahiers de l’Est" (1975-1976), "Le Monde de la Musique" (1980, 1982), "La Revue Musicale" (1983), "Obsidiane" (1983), "Études" (1983), "France Catolique" (1987-88, 1994), "Liberté Politique" (1999, 2005; likewise using the pen name Rémy de Marquoin), and in the Polish-language literary journal "Zeszyty Literackie" (Paris, 1983-84, 1986). His texts also appeared in "Les Cahiers Franco-Polonais" (1985-86), which was published in Poland. He received grants from Centre National des Lettres on numerous occasions (1983, 1991, 1996, 2000, 2006, and 2010). In 1989, he became a member of the Association of Polish Writers (SPP). He joined the Historical and Literary Society, (Towarzystwo Historyczno-literackie, Société historique et littéraire polonaise – SHLP) in Paris in 1990 and became a member of the Polish PEN Club in 1991. He was on the editorial board of "Nouveaux Cahiers de l’Est" in 1991 and 1992. His essays, articles and poetry, his own as well as translations, continued to appear sporadically in periodicals including "Zeszyty Literackie" (Warsaw, 1994-95, 2000, 2005), "Kultura" (Paris, 1993; using the pen name Paweł Molski) "Głos Katolicki" (Paris, 1994-2010), "Tygiel Kultury" (1998, 2000, 2002-04, and 2008-11), "Topos" (2011 and 2013-14). In 2004, he became chair of the society Les Amis de C.K. Norwid, whose goal was to promote the works and ideas of the poet Norwid in France. He received numerous awards, including the Karol Szymanowski Medal in 1984, the Polish Society of Authors and Composers (ZAiKS) Prize in 1987, the Konstanty Jeleński Prize in 1990, and the Polish PEN Club Prize in 2007. He was made a corresponding member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) in 2007, while in 2014 he was appointed to the Programme Council of the Museion Norwid Foundation. He has visited numerous countries, including Britain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, the USSR, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the Philippines and Thailand. He was awarded the Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis in 2011 for his services to promoting Polish culture in France. In 2013, he received the Norwid Foundation medal for promoting the works of Cyprian Kamil Norwid in France. He has two children, Adam (b. 1977) and Mayumi (b. 1979). He lives in Paris.
1. Próba ognia. [Wiersze]. Powst. 1966-1981. Wyd. z ilustracjami Z. Beksinskiego. Paris: Editions Dembinski 1990, 64 s. Poezja Ponad Granicami. Wersja francuska zob. poz. ↑.
2. Księga Snów. [Wiersze]. Powst. 1963-1988. Wyd. Kraków: Miniatura 1990, 56 s. Wyd. nast. łącznie z przekł. francuskim: Le livre des rêves. Poésie. [Wybór i przekł. z polskiego:] C.-H. du Bord [i autor]. [Prolog:] N.-E. Boucheqif. [Angers]: Polyglotte-C.i.c.c.a.t. [2013], 84 s. Collection Vent d'Est.
3. Muzyka. [Wiersze]. Powst. 1976-1988. Wyd. z malarstwem M. Józefowicza. Warszawa : Tikkun 1995 , 112 s. Wyd. nas. łącznie z przekł. angielskim: Music. [Przeł.] P.J. Corness. Cissbury: Anima Poetry Press 2017, 167 s.
4. Kryształowy ogród. Niby-haiku. Powst. 1993. Wyd. Kraków : Oficyna Krakowska 2000 , 89 s. Wyd. nast. w jęz. polskim i francuskim pt. Kryształowy ogród. Niby haiku = Le jardin de cristal. À la manière des haïku. Przekł.: K.A. Jeżewski, C.H. Du Bord. Paris: Éditions yot-art 2018 , 122 s.
5. Popiół słoneczny. [Wiersze]. Powst. 1980-1993. Wyd. Warszawa: Nowy Świat 2005 , 85 s.
6. Winnice przestrzeni. [Wiersze i proza poetycka]. Powst. 1960-1965. Wyd. Kraków: Miniatura 1995, 80 s. Poezja Współczesna. Wersja francuska zob. poz. ↑.
7. Znak pojednania. [Wybór wierszy]. Posł.: B. Nowak. Poznań.: W Drodze 1997, 125 s.
8. L’Épreuve du feu précédé de Les vignes de l’espace. [Wybór wierszy]. [Przeł.:] Ch. Jezewski [przy współpracy:] C.-H. du Borda [i in.]. Troyes: Cahiers Bleus/Librairie Bleue 2005, 133 s. Wersja polska zob. poz. ↑, ↑.
9. Okruchy z wysokości. Dystychy na modłę Anioła Ślązaka. [Współwyd.:] Angelus Silesius: Anielski wędrowiec. [Wybór wierszy]. Przeł. z języka niemieckiego K.A. Jeżewski. Posłowie: P. W. Lorkowski. [Poznań]: Biblioteka Telgte 2007 s. 65-88. Zob. też Przekłady poz. ↑.
10. W zaświecie snu. [Wiersze z rysunkami P. Jocza]. Łódź: Correspondance des Arts; Muzeum Książki Artystycznej 2008.
11. Żagle niebieskie. [Wiersze]. Toruń: A. Marszałek 2008, 104 s. Dekada Poetów.
12. Druga księga snów. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Miniatura 2009, 87 s.
13. Cyprian Norwid a myśl i poetyka Kraju Środka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2011, 126 s. Wersja francuska zob. poz. ↑.
14. Cyprian Norwid et la pensée de l'empire du Milieu. Paris: I’Harmattan 2011, 164 s. Critiques Littéraires. Wersja polska zob. poz. ↑.
15. Płomień i noc. Wiersze o malarstwie = La flamme et la nuit. Poèmes sur la peinture. Przeł.: C.-H. du Bord i K.A. Jeżewski przy współpracy R. Legrasa i D. Sila-Khan. Toruń: A. Marszałek 2012, 136 s.
16. Światłość u progu. [Wiersze]. Sopot: Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sopotu; Redakcja „Toposu” 2012, 71 s. Biblioteka „Toposu”, t. 79.
17. Muzyka i świat. Rozmyślania. [Wiersze i eseje]. Z przedmową K. Lipki. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek 2021, 418 s.
[T. 2] 1957-1960. Paris: Denoël 1976, 260 s. Les Lettres Nouvelles. Wyd. nast. jako t. 2: Paris: Ch. Bourgois 1983; Paris: Ch. Bourgois; Denoël 1990. Collection 10/18.
T. 3 1961-1969. Paris: Ch. Bourgois 1981, 245 s. Wyd. nast.: [Paris:] Ch. Bourgois; M. Nadeau 1990. Collection10/18.
T. 1. 1953-1958, 689 s.
T. 2. 1959-1969, 611 s.
Prace redakcyjne
T. 13. Publicystyka. Wywiady. Teksty różne. 1939-1963. Tłum. [z hiszpańskiego]: I. Kania, Z. Chądzyńska, R. Kalicki. 1996, 506 s.
T. 14. Publicystyka. Wywiady. Teksty różne. 1963-1969. Tłum.: I. Kania, B. Baran [i in.]. 1997, 551 s.
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 2008.