Born on 6 July 1956 in Milanówek; son of the economists Jerzy Bieńczyk and Karolina, née Rogalska. He attended the S. Wyspiański Grammar School (No. XLVII) in Warsaw, where he completed advanced secondary education in 1975. From 1976 he took a degree in Romance Studies at the University of Warsaw (UW), graduating with a master's degree in 1980. He then started a degree in Hindu Studies at UW, which he abandoned in 1981. During his studies he was a member of the Independent Students’ Association (NZS – Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów), serving as head of the branch at the Institute of Oriental Studies between 1980 and 1982. He was also a member of the UW Strike Committee in 1981. He made his debut in "Polityka" 1980 (no. 22) with a polemic against Zygmunt Kałużyński on the subject of Jean Paul Sartre titled Święty Sartre, aktor i męczennik (Saint Sartre, actor and martyr). He was employed as a lector in French at UW in 1983/84 and at the Institut Français between 1983 and 1996. At the same time, he was enrolled in the doctoral programme at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Science (IBL PAN) from 1983. He was employed as an assistant at the Department for Romantic Literature at the Institute from 1987. He made his debut as a translator from French in 1988, publishing an excerpt of Milan Kundera's L’Art Du Roman (The Art of the Novel) as Słownik (VI) in "Res Publica" no. 6. In 1990 he published his first translation from Czech, with his version of Václav Bělohradský's essay “Mitteleuropa: rakouská říše jako metafora” (in Polish as Cesarstwo austriackie jako metafora – The Austrian Empire as a metaphor) appearing in "Res Publica" (no. 5). In the following years, he largely published translations of Milan Kundera's prose and works by authors including Émil Cioran and Roland Barthes. He was awarded a doctoral degree from IBL PAN in 1989 for his dissertation Wyobrażenia cierpienia i śmierci w twórczości Zygmunta Krasińskiego (Images of suffering and death in the works of Zygmunt Krasiński), which was supervised by Prof. Maria Janion). In 1990, he was appointed lecturer at IBL PAN. In 1991/92 he was a member of the editorial board of IBL's English-language journal "Literary Studies in Poland". From 1993, he was a member of the editorial board of the French quarterly "L’Atelier du Roman", where he also published several dozen articles and studies. From 1994 he combined his own research and translation work with creative writing. He conducted prose workshops as part of postgraduate degree in Literary and Artistic Studies (Studium Literacko/Artystyczne) at Krakow's Jagiellonian University from 1998. In 1999 he was awarded the prestigious Paszport Polityki prize by the weekly magazine "Polityka" for his literary work, while in 2001 he received the Grand Prix de la Francophonie by the Académie Française. In 2003 he was awarded a habilitation degree by IBL PAN for his study Oczy Dürera. O melancholii romantycznej (Dürer's eyes: On Romantic melancholy), becoming a senior lecturer in 2005. In 2004 he was made a member of the Polish PEN Club, joining its board in 2005. In 2007 he was appointed to the Chapter of the Gdynia Literary Prize (Nagroda Literacka Gdynia). In 2010 he was appointed associate professor at IBL PAN. His articles and literary reviews, as well as translations from French, have appeared in publications including Res Publica (1988 and 1990) and Res Publica Nowa (intermittently between 1993 and 2006), Ogród (1990, 1992 and 1994), Zeszyty Literackie (1990, 1993 and 1995), Teksty Drugie (1990, 1993, 1996 and 2008), Gazeta Wyborcza (1994, 1998-99, 2001, 2009 and 2012-17), Rzeczpospolita (1997-98 and 2009), Literatura na Świecie (1999, 2003-04, 2007, 2010, 2014 and 2016-17), Polityka (1999-2000, 2008 and 2012), Tygodnik Powszechny (since 2001), Newsweek Polska (2006 and 2008) and "Książki" (since 2014). He is also a keen oenologist, publishing a series of articles on wine in "Magazyn", a supplement to "Gazeta Wyborcza", "Przekrój”, "Forbes", "Magazyn Wino", "Kuchnia" and on the wine website He has also published guidebooks on the subject with Wojciech Bońkowski. In 1999 he became a member of the International Federation of Wine and Spirit Journalists and Writers. Between 2009 and 2011, he led the research project Atlas polskiego romantyzmu. Świat – Europa – Polska (An atlas of Polish Romanticism – The World, Europe and Poland), which is accessible through the portal Nowa Panorama Literatury Polskiej coordinated by IBL PAN's Digital Humanities Centre (Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej). He was awarded one of Poland's top literary prizes, the Nike Prize, in 2012 for his collection of essays Książka twarzy (The Book of Faces). He lives in Warsaw.
1. Czarny człowiek. Krasiński wobec śmierci. [Studium]. Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN [1990], 190 s. Wyd. nast.: Gdańsk: słowo/obraz terytoria 2001.
2. Terminal. [Powieść]. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 1994, 181 s.
Inne formy wydań
3. Antoni Malczewski. [Scenariusz biograficznego filmu dokumentalnego; współautorka:] D. Siwicka. Reżyseria: K. Bukowski. Telewizja Polska 1997.
4. Melancholia. O tych, co nigdy nie odnajdą straty. [Szkice literackie]. Warszawa: Sic! 1998,141 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 tamże 2000; Warszawa: Świat Książki – Weltbild Polska 2012.
Inne formy wydań
5. Tworki. [Powieść]. Warszawa: Sic! 1999, 194 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 2007.
Inne formy wydań
6. Kroniki wina. [Felietony literacko-enologiczne]. Warszawa: Sic! 2001, 296 s.
7. Oczy Dürera. O melancholii romantycznej. Warszawa: Sic! 2002, 384 s. Stanowiska, interpretacje, t. 20.
8. Wina Europy. [Poradnik; współautor:] W. Bońkowski. Warszawa 2003-2008.
2003/2004. Warszawa: Wiedza i Życie 2003, 511 s.
2005/2006. Warszawa: Wiedza i Życie, Hachette Live Polska 2005, 672 s.
2009 Warszawa: Hachette Live Polska 2008, 800 s.
9. Przezroczystość. [Szkice i eseje]. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak” 2007, 257 s. Wyd. nast.: Warszawa: Wielka Litera 2015.
Inne formy wydań
10. Nowe kroniki wina. [Felietony literacko-enologiczne]. Warszawa: Świat Książki 2010, 478 s.
11. Książka twarzy. [Eseje]. Warszawa: Świat Książki 2011, 448 s.
12. Nussi i coś więcej. [Opowieść dla dzieci]. Wrocław: Format 2012, [34] s.
13. Książę w cukierni. [Opowieść dla dzieci]. Ilustrowała J. Concejo. Wrocław: Format 2013, 92 s. Wyd. 2 tamże 2016. Wersja francuska zob. poz.↑.
14. Le Prince à la pâtisserie. Wrocław: Format 2014, 92 s. Wersja polska zob. poz. ↑.
15. Jabłko Olgi, stopy Dawida. [Szkice literackie i opowiadania]. Warszawa: Wielka Litera 2015, 381 s.
Inne formy wydań
16. Katastrofy i wypadki w czasach romantyków. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN 2017, 639 s. Nowa Biblioteka Romantyczna.
17. Kontener. [Esej]. Warszawa: Wielka Litera 2018, 301 s.
18. Wszystkie kroniki wina. [Felietony literacko-enologiczne]. Warszawa: Wielka Litera 2018, 694 s.
19. Krzywo jedzie, kto ucieka. Ucieczki w czasach romantyków. [Oprac.] M. Bieńczyk. Warszawa: Stowarzyszenie Pro Cultura Litteraria, Wydawnictwo IBL 2021, 534 s. Nowa Biblioteka Romantyczna.
20. Miniatury literackie. W: M. Łydżba: Pieśń miłosna. [Katalog wystawy]. Warszawa: 2022, 111 s.
Artykuły w czasopismach i książkach zbiorowych,
*** (O Zuzannie Ginczance). W: Zuzanna Ginczanka. Tylko szczęście jest prawdziwym życiem. Warszawa 2015 s. 79-85.
Wystawienia następne
Prace redakcyjne
Zob. też Twórczość poz. ↑, ↑.
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankiety dla IBL PAN 2008, 2014, 2022.
Autor o sobie
Czarny człowiek
Zob. też Wywiady.
Kroniki wina
Oczy Dürera
Nowe kroniki wina
Książka twarzy
Zob. też Wywiady.