Born on 30 March 1967 in Ząbkowice Śląskie; daughter of the mining engineer Michał Sonnenberg and the English language teacher Wanda, née Żurek. Between 1974 and 1986, she was a pupil at the music school in Legnica. In parallel, from 1982, she attended the Nicolaus Copernicus Grammar School No. I in Lubin, where she completed her advanced secondary education in 1986. She then studied in the instrument faculty (specializing in piano) at the K. Lipiński Academy of Music in Wroclaw, graduating with a master's degree in 1992. She made her debut in 1986 with the poems Pora wieczoru (Evening time) and one with the first line Przeglądam szklane okienka (I look through small glass windows), which were published in "Konkrety" (no. 26). The poems won prizes awarded by that periodical, by "Akcenty" and by the Voivodeship and Municipal Public Library. She considers the poems Dziewczyna z zapałkami (Girl with matches), Gioconda , Erotyk (Erotic), and Aktorka (Actress), which appeared in 1992 in the periodical "Format" (nos 3/4), to be her debut proper. Her poems and prose pieces subsequently appeared in periodicals including "FA-art" (1992–94 and 1999–2000), "List Ocenaniczy" – the literary supplement of the Toronto-based "Gazeta" (1994–97), "Metafora" (1994–97), "Pomosty" (1997–2005, 2008–09, and 2014), and "Kwartalnik Artystyczny" (intermittently from 1998, including in 2014 in nos 1 and 3 the series Przewodnik liryczny po Europie [A Lyrical Guide to Europe]). In 1994, she received the K. Janicki Youth Prize. From 1994 to 1996, she took the Postgraduate Programme in Literary and Artistic Studies at the Faculty of Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University (UJ). Between 1995 and 2008, she was a member of the editorial board of the bimonthly "Studium", a periodical associated with the university, where she also offered poetry workshops between 2005 and 2008. She served on the editorial boards of the journals "Nowy Nurt" (1994–95) and "Rita Baum" (1998–2008). In 1998, she received a fellowship from the Foundation for Independent Culture in Paris. That year, she also joined the Polish Writers' Association (SPP), where she was a member of the Wroclaw branch until 2004 and then the Krakow branch until 2014, before returning to the Wroclaw branch. She twice received a grant from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (in 2001 and 2008). She lived in Krakow from 2002 to 2010. In 2002, she started a degree in philosophy at UJ in Krakow and graduated in 2008 with a master's degree upon completing her thesis. She was involved in many national and international poetry events and festivals, including the 41st International Writers' Congress in Belgrade. She often presented her works at poetry/music events, where she accompanied her poems on the piano. In 2008, she conducted poetry workshops at the University of Wroclaw (UWr). That year, she received a literary fellowship from the Baltic Center for Writers and Translators in Visby (Gotland, Sweden). She has received several awards, including the prize for the best poet at the 9th International Poetry Festival in Skopje (2008) and the Four Columns Literary Prize, awarded in Lutynia, near Wroclaw, in recognition of oeuvre (2012). She lives in Wroclaw.
1. Wiersze. Wrocław: Akademia Muzyczna 1989, 22 s.
2. Hazard. [Wiersze]. Red. i kompozycja zbioru: M. Garbala. Wrocław: Astrum 1995, 80 s. Poeci Przyszłości..
3. Kraina tysiąca notesów. (Zwierzenia Lindsaya Kempa). [Wiersze]. Dzierżoniów: Obok 1997, 45 s.
4. Planeta. [Wiersze]. Katowice: Towarzystwo Zachęty Kultury 1997, 39 s.
5. Smycz. [Wiersze]. Wrocław: Astrum 2000, 72 s.
6. Płonący tramwaj. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Zielona Sowa; Studium Literacko-Artystyczne przy Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 2001, 69 s. Biblioteka Pisma Literacko-Artystycznego „Studium”, t. 37.
7. Lekcja zachwytu. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Zielona Sowa; Studium Literacko-Artystyczne przy Instytucie Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 2005, 39 s. Biblioteka Pisma Literacko-Artystycznego „Studium”, t. 78.
8. Encyklopedia szaleńca. [Miniatury literackie]. Wrocław: Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Artystyczne „Rita Baum” 2006, 22 s. Biblioteka Rity Baum.
9. Paź królowej. Bajka dla zakochanych. [Powieść]. Kraków: WiR Partner 2006, 93 s.
10. Pisane na piasku = Written on sand. [Wiersze]. Przeł. K. Jakubiak. Kraków: Korporacja Ha!art 2007, 105 s. Seria Poetycka..
11. Rok ognistego smoka. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka 2009, 98 s. Krakowska Biblioteka Stowarzyszenia Pisarzy Polskich, t. 2.
12. Wiersze zebrane. Wrocław: Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Artystyczne „Rita Baum”. 2014, 522 s. Biblioteka Rity Baum..
13. Hologramy. [Wiersze]. Poznań.: Wojewódzkiej Biblioteka Publiczna i Centrum Animacji Kultury 2015, 118 s.
14. Obca. [Proza poetycka]. Szczecin; Bezrzecze; Wydawnictw Forma; Szczecin: Fundacja Literatury im. H. Berezy 2015, 185 s. Forma, 21.
15. Moi papierowi kochankowie. [Eseje]. Wrocław: Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Artystyczne „Rita Baum”; Biuro Festiwalowe Impart 2016, 119 s. Biblioteka Rity Baum.
16. Wiersze dla jednego człowieka. [Wiersze]. Szczecin: Forma 2017, 77 s. 15 Piętnastka.
Inne formy wydań
17. Schizofrenia & Company. [Wiersze]. Wrocław: Wrocławski Dom Literatury; Wydawnictwo Warstwy 2018, 69 s.
Wybory utworów literackich w przekładach
Przekłady utworów literackich w antologiach zagranicznych
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 2015.
Autor o sobie
Zob. też Twórczość poz. ↑.
[Cz. Miłosz] Jan Syruć: Wiersze
Kraina tysiąca notesów
Płonący tramwaj
Paź królowej
Pisane na piasku = Written on sand
Zob. też Wywiady.