Born on 17 February 1957 in Warsaw; son of the lieutenant colonel of the Polish Army Feliks Kowalczyk, and the economist Alicja, née Walasik. He attended the Jan Śniadecki Grammar School in Warsaw, completing his advanced secondary education in 1976. He then studied Polish philology at the University of Warsaw (UW), graduating with a master's degree in 1980. Between 1980 and 1986, he worked as a teacher, initially in a primary school and vocational school, before taking up a post at the Mikołaj Rej Grammar School in Warsaw in 1981. From 1983 he also worked as an assistant at the Department of Methodology of Literary Studies and Textual Theory at the Institute of Polish Literature (ILP) at UW. His research focused on twentieth-century Polish culture, in particular Polish émigré culture after 1939, and epistolography, diary-writing and essay-writing, as well as the editing practices involved. He made his debut in 1983 with the essay Złote runo nicości (The Golden Fleece of Nothingness), published in the Catholic weekly "Tygodnik Powszechny" (no. 11) on the subject of Zbigniew Herbert's poem Przesłanie Pana Cogito (in English translation as: The Envoy of Mr Cogito). His essays, articles and reviews appeared in periodicals and journals including "Tygodnik Powszechny" (1983-85 and 1989-92), "Polonistyka" (1983-86), "Więź" (1984-85), "Znak" (1984-89 and 2002-05), "Przegląd Powszechny" (1985-87) and "Pamiętnik Literacki" (1987-88). He was awarded a doctoral degree from UW in 1986 for his thesis Kryzys w świadomości europejskiej w eseistyce polskiej lat 1945-1977 (Vincenz – Stempowski – Miłosz) (The Crisis of European Consciousness in Polish Essay Writing, 1945-1977: Vincenz, Stempowski, Miłosz). He was supervised by Prof. Ryszard Handke. Kowalczyk was subsequently appointed lecturer. Between 1991 and 1995, he was director of the publishing house Wydawnictwo LNB. 1992 marked the start of a long-term collaboration with the editor of the Paris-based journal "Kultura", Jerzy Giedroyc. It led to them establishing the publication series Archiwum "Kultury" (The Kultura Archive) and expanding the scope of research on the intelligentsia's role in Polish culture in the twentieth century. In subsequent years he published articles and reviews in journals including "Res Publica Nowa" (intermittently between 1992 and 2003; he was a member of the quarterly's Board from 1998), "Kresy" (1991-97 and 2001), "Nowe Książki" (1992 and 1999-2000), "Regiony" (1994, 1996, and 1998-2003), "Zeszyty Literackie" (1994, 1996-97, and 2000-07) and "Przegląd Polityczny" (2000-01 and 2004-06). Between 1994 and 2005, he taught literary history and the history of Polish culture at the Slavic Studies Seminar of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He was awarded a habilitation degree from UW in 1998 for his study Nieśpieszny przechodzień i paradoksy. Rzecz o Jerzym Stempowskim. (The Unhurried Passer-by and Paradoxes: On Jerzy Stempowski). In 1999, he was appointed associate professor at UW. Between 2000 and 2002, he was head of the Department of Methodology of Literary Studies and Textual Theory before moving to the Department of Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature at the Institute of Polish Literature at UW. He became head of the Department in 2013, serving in this role until 2016. He was a member of the State Accreditation Commission from 2003 to 2005. In 2005, he began collaborating with the Institute for the Documentation and Study of Polish Literature at the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw. Between 2010 and 2015, he served on the Museum's Programme Council. In 2006, he also became a member of the Centre for the Anthropology of Literature at ILP UW. Between 2008 and 2015, he was a member of the University Team for Quality of Education Assurance at UW. Between 2008 and 2014, he served on the jury of the City of Warsaw Literary Prize. In 2009, he was made state appointed professor and full professor of the University of Warsaw. In 2015, he became director of the manuscripts department at the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw. He was appointed to the programme council of the Jan Nowak-Jeziorański Association of Employees, Freelancers and Friends of Radio Free Europe in Warsaw. He has travelled to countries including France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine and Italy. He lives in Warsaw.
1. Kryzys w świadomości europejskiej w eseistyce polskiej lat 1945-1977 (Vincenz – Stempowski – Miłosz). Warszawa: LNB 1990, 208 s.
2. Sawinkow. [Szkic biograficzny]. Warszawa: LNB 1992, 218 s. Wyd. 2 uzupełnione Warszawa: Towarzystwo „Więź” 2017, 227 s. Biblioteka „Więzi”.
3. Nieśpieszny przechodzień i paradoksy. Rzecz o Jerzym Stempowskim. Wrocław: Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Polonistyki Wrocławskiej 1997, 347 s. Z Prac Instytutu Literatury Polskiej UW i Slavisch Seminarium, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
4. Pan Petlura? [Esej]. Warszawa: Open 1998, 94 s. Wyd. 2 uzupełnione pt. Ataman Petlura. Kraków; Budapeszt; Syrakuzy: Austeria 2023, 187 s.
5. Giedroyc i „Kultura”. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie 1999, 312 s. A to Polska właśnie..
6. Książki zbójeckie i kamienie Wenecji. [Szkic]. Powst. ok. 1999.
7. Wiek ukraińsko-polski. Rozmowy z Bohdanem Osadczukiem. [Rozmawiali:] A.S. Kowalczyk, B. Kerski. Współpraca.: K. Zastawny. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 2001, 179 s. Wyd. nast.: wyd. 2 poszerzone i zaktualizowane pt. Polska i Ukraina. Rozmowy z Bohdanem Osadczukiem. Wrocław: Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. J. Nowaka Jeziorańskiego 2008, 272 s.; wyd. 3. poszerzone i zaktualizowane pt. Wiek ukraińsko-polski. Rozmowy z Bohdanem Osadczukiem. Wojnowice: Kolegium Europy Wschodniej 2019, 310 s.
8. Miejskie: Amsterdam, Paryż I, Paryż II, Berno I, Berno II, Warszawa, Londyn. [Eseje]. Lublin: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 2003, 166 s.
9. Od Bukaresztu do Laffitów. Jerzego Giedroycia rzeczpospolita epistolarna. [Szkice]. Sejny: Fundacja „Pogranicze” 2006, 297 s. Ornamenty Historii..
10. Wena do polityki. O Giedroyciu i Mieroszewskim. [Monografia]. T. 1-2. Warszawa: Towarzystwo „Więź” 2014, 476 + 460 s. Biblioteka „Więzi”, t. 304.
11. Pessoa lizboński. [Szkice]. Fotografie: A.S. Kowalczyk. Kraków; Budapeszt; Syrakuzy: Wydawnictwo Austeria 2020, 49 s. Z rękopisów.
12. Felice, Milena, Dora. [Szkice biograficzne]. Warszawa: Towarzystwo „Więź” 2021, 180 s. Biblioteka „Więzi”, t. 369.
13. Toledo i inne przygody w Kastylii. [Eseje]. Warszawa: Towarzystwo „Więź” 2021, 325 s. Biblioteka „Więzi”, t. 377.
14. Ballada o Alfredzie Łaszowskim. Kraków; Budapeszt; Syrakuzy: Wydawnictwo Austeria 2022, 93 s.
15. Do Palermo. Zapiski z podróży. Kraków; Budapeszt; Syrakuzy: Wydawnictwo Austeria 2023, 74 s. Z Rękopisów.
16. Keramejkos. Powieść ateńska. Kraków; Budapeszt; Syrakuzy: Wydawnictwo Austeria 2024, 325 s.
Artykuły w czasopismach i książkach zbiorowych,
Prace edytorskie i redakcyjne
1. 1926-1953, 355 s.
2 .1954-1958, 343 s.
3. 1959-1965, 413 s.
Inne formy wydań
Zob. też Przekłady poz. ↑.
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankiety dla IBL PAN 2012, 2013, 2024.