Born on 10 April 1958 in Warsaw; son of the Romance philologist Leszek Chachulski and the historian Jadwiga Magdalena, née Hozer. He attended the Queen Jadwiga Grammar School No. X in Warsaw between 1973 and 1977. After completing his advanced secondary education in 1979, he studied Polish philology at the Catholic University in Lublin (KUL), graduating with a master's degree in 1984 for his dissertation O języku poetyckim Sebastiana Grabowieckiego (On Sebastian Grabowiecki's poetic language). He was supervised by Prof. Dr Jadwiga Sokołowska. He made his debut the same year with an article titled Kochanowski i Montaigne, which appeared in the academic yearbook "Roczniki Humanistyczne" (no. 32). He was employed at the Department of Enlightenment Literature at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN) from 1985. He was awarded a doctoral degree from the institute in 1993 for his thesis Wątki russoistyczne w twórczości Franciszka Karpińskiego (Rousseauian elements in the works of Franciszek Karpiński). He was supervised by Prof. Teresa Kostkiewiczowa. He was subsequently appointed lecturer. In his research, he focused on Enlightenment literature, textological and editorial issues relating to 18th and early-19th century literature, and contemporary didactic issues in Polish studies. He published articles in these field in periodicals including "Wiek Oświecenia" (1996 and 2011), "Rocznik Międzyrzecki" (1997), "Roczniki Humanistyczne" (2001 and 2020), "Pamiętnik Literacki" (2001 and 2020), "Colloquia Litteraria" (2013), "Studia Norwidiana" (2017), and "Teksty Drugie" (2017). From 1987, he was involved in the Olympiad of Polish Literature and Language, based at the IBL PAN. In December 2010, he was appointed chair of the Central Committee of the Olympiad. He joined the Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies in 1996 and the Scientific Council of IBL PAN in 1999. Between 1999 and 2021, he was also employed at the Faculty of Humanities at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw before joining the Institute of Polish Philology (IFP) that was created in 2005 at the Faculty. His functions included serving as Chair of Enlightenment Studies and Scholarly Editing until 2021, dean of the Faculty of Humanities (2000-05 and 2008-2016), and as director of the IFP (2005-08). In 2000, he co-founded alongside Jerzy Snopek, Adam Karpiński and Ariadna Masłowska-Nowak the editorial team of the IBL PAN publication series Biblioteka Pisarzy Polskiego Oświecenia (Library of Polish Renaissance Writers). He was made its chair in 2010. He was awarded a habilitation degree in 2007 from IBL PAN for his study Opóźnione pokolenie. Studia z recepcji „głębokiej” Jana Kochanowskiego w poezji polskiej XVIII wieku (Delayed Generation: Studies of the "deep" reception of Jan Kochanowski in Polish eighteenth-century poetry). He was subsequently made senior lecture in 2008, associate professor in 2010 and then full professor at IBL PAN in 2018. He was lead researcher on the externally-funded projects Antyk oświeconych (The Enlightenment's Antiquity; 2009-12) and Biblioteka Pisarzy Staropolskich, Biblioteka Pisarzy Polskiego Oświecenia – kontynuacja serii wydawniczej i poszukiwanie nowych modeli edycji naukowej (The Library of Old Polish and Polish Enlightenment Writers: Continuation of the publication series and working towards new models of editing critical editions; 2012–2019). From 2014, he served on the Committee on Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KNoL). During the 2020-23 term, he served on the Education Commission and the Commission for Higher Education Teaching, while also chairing the Commission for Global Polish Studies. In 2016, he was appointed deputy chair of the International Association of Polish Studies. The same year, he joined the Scientific Council of the Biblioteka Narodowa (National Library) series of the Ossoliński National Institute. From 2018, he served as head of the Critical Edition Series of Old Polish Literature team at IBL PAN. In 2021, he was made state-appointed professor. He was appointed head of the Scientific Council of IBL PAN in 2023. He lives in Warsaw. He married the literary historian and poet Bernadetta Kuczera (married name: Kuczera-Chachulska↑) in 1980. They have four children: Mateusz, Jakub, Agata and Marta.
1. Franciszek Karpiński. [Biografia]. Warszawa: „DiG” 1998, 80 s. Ludzie Niezwyczajni.
2. Stanisław Konarski. [Biografia]. Warszawa: „DiG” 2000, 97 s. Ludzie Niezwyczajni.
3. Opóźnione pokolenie. Studia o recepcji „głębokiej” Jana Kochanowskiego w poezji polskiej XVIII wieku. Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN. Wydawnictwo 2006, 266 s.
4. Edytorstwo jako historia literatury i inne studia o poezji XVIII wieku. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN; Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 2019, 384 s.
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