Born on 13 May 1974 in Słupsk; son of the electrician Stanisław Odija, and the teacher Danuta, née Kozłowska. He attended the King Bolesław III Wrymouth Grammar School No. I in Słupsk, completing his advanced secondary education there in 1993. That year he also started a degree in Polish philology at the University of Gdansk (UG). From 1995 to 1997, he was vocalist and harmonica player with the rock band Bezdnia (his brother Marek was guitarist). He made his literary debut in 1997 with short pieces of lyrical prose: Magia zwątpienia; Noc; Reguła; Kąpiel; Krajobraz; Deja vu (The Magic of Doubt; Night; Rule; Bath; Landscape; Deja vu), which appeared in the biweekly "Sycyna" (no. 22). In subsequent years he primarily published in the Gdansk-based bimonthly "Autograf" (2000), while contributing occasionally to other periodicals. He continued his degree in Polish philology until 2000, before abandoning his studies without graduating. He continued to produce works of literature while earning a living in various jobs, including distributing free newspapers and cleaning tanker ships. In 2001, he was employed by the Słupsk office of the Gdansk branch of Polish Television (TVP). He moved from Gdansk to a village in the Słupsk district, before settling in Słupsk a year later. He made film reports, while also authoring (or co-authoring) scripts and commentaries for documentary films. He also provided voice-overs for such projects. In 2004, he was involved in the making of the documentary film Dwa światy Daniela Odiji (The Two Worlds of Daniel Odija; directed by B. Balińska and K. Kalukin), which was commissioned by TVP2 and made by TVP in Gdansk. It was first broadcast in 2005. He joined the jury of the competition of the UG Academic Cultural Centre in 2001, while in 2007 he became a member of the jury of the Lębork-based Mieczysław Stryjewski literary competition. He became a member of the Literary Club of the Gdansk branch of the Polish Writers' Association (SPP) in 2003. He received a grant from the Minister of Culture in 2004/05, enabling him to work on the novel Kronika umarłych (Chronicle of the Dead). He has also written dramas and scripts for radio plays. His prose pieces, column pieces and reviews appeared in periodicals including "Ozon" (2005), "Bliza" (2010, 2012, and 2014), "Pragnienie Piękna" (2012–14) and "Chimera" (2014). He also presented his works in song, including an album recorded together with Marcin Dymiter, Linie północne (Northern Lines), which was released in 2007. It is based on excerpts of Kroniki umarłych, which Odija was working on at the time. He participated in literary events and was active in promoting cultural life. From 2008 he gave talks for schoolchildren and conducted workshops with people interested in creative writing, organizing events in collaboration with schools, cultural centres and regional associations, as well as with UG in 2010/11. In 2010, he ended his collaboration with TVP having received a grant that year from the marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, which he used to write the book Głodne słońce (Hungry Sun; he worked on it until 2015 – unfinished work). He co-authored and participated in the project Ruchomy pamiętnik (Mobile Memorial), which was completed in 2010. This project also involved the musician Marcin Dymiter and the filmmaker Ludomir Franczak. The project explored the testimonies of people who after the Second World War settled in the Słupsk area in the former German territories known officially at the time as the "Recovered Territories" (Ziemie Odzyskane). He also prepared and presented what were known as live radio plays that involved readings of adaptations of literary texts (by Odija and others) accompanied by music and the use of multimedia techniques. In 2010, they were performed as part of the project "Słuchaj uchem" (Use your ears), which sought to promote reading and heritage awareness among young people. He joined the Makrofon Music Society in 2010, while from 2011 to 2015 he was was an expert consultant for the Polish Film Institute. He was also appointed to the Programme Council of Polish Radio in Koszalin, serving from 2012 to 2016. He was also a member of the commission for artistic grants of the mayor of Słupsk from 2015 to 2017. He studied at the Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing in Warsaw, where in 2012, as a student of the Script programme, he prepared a film adaptation of his own novel Niech to będzie sen (May it be a Dream), which he never completed. In March 2013, he received a one-month creative AIR fellowship (Artist in Residence Krems) from the administration of Lower Austria as part of an interdisciplinary programme promoting artistic exchange and intercultural dialogue. From 2014 to 2016 he combined writing with a post at the music and audiobook section of the Municipal Public Library in Słupsk. As a cultural activist, he organized literary workshops for children, youth and adults, while also participating actively in the Pomeranian Literary Spring festival. In 2018, he curated the International Short Story Competition organized by the Active Communications Society (Towarzystwo Aktywnej Komunikacji). In 2018, he received the prize of the mayor of Słupsk for his work in promoting culture of the city of Słupsk. In 1997, he married Iwona Kapturowska, who was a student at the time and later became a teacher of Polish language. They have two children: Helena (b. 1998) and Stanisław (b. 2000). He lives in Słupsk.
1. Podróże w miejscu. [Opowiadania]. Słupsk: Związek Literatów Polskich 2000, 36 s.
2. Pomiędzy tobą a mną. [Arkusz poetycki]. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sztuki 2001. Biblioteka Rękopisów, 69.
3. Ulica. [Powieść]. Wołowiec: Czarne 2001, 142 s.
4. Melisa. [Słuchowisko radiowe]. Reżyseria: K. Gordon. Polskie Radio (Gdańsk) 2003.
5. Tartak. [Powieść]. Wołowiec: Czarne 2003, 127 s. Por. poz. ↑.
6. Tartak. [Utwór dramatyczny]. [Współautor:] A. Olsten. Prapremiera: Reżyseria: A. Olsten. Kraków, Teatr im. J. Słowackiego 2004.
7. Szklana huta. [Opowiadania]. Wołowiec: Czarne; Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka 2005, 196 s.
8. Linie północne. Muzyka: M. Dymiter (Emiter). Powst. 2007. Prapremiera (prezentacja „na żywo” materiału z płyty): Słupsk, Teatr Rondo 2009.
Inne formy wydań
9. Podwórko. Kompozycja na 9 osób. [Utwór dramatyczny]. Druk w: Mrok jak światło. Antologia dramatów inspirowanych życiem, myślą i twórczością Jana Pawła II. Warszawa 2007 s. 217–254.
10. Niech to nie będzie sen. [Powieść]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 2008, 246 s.
11. Kronika umarłych. [Powieść]. Warszawa: W.A.B. 2010, 336 s. Archipelagi.
Inne formy wydań
12. Sny o wolności. [Libretto]. Muzyka: M. Jeleniewski i P. Popławski. Prapremiera: Gdańsk, Stocznia Gdańska (Hala 49A) 2010.
13. Basia z Podlasia. [Scenariusz filmowy]. Współautorzy: A. Dembski, D. Odija, M. Wołkowicz. Reżyseria: A. Dembski. Ekranizacja 2011.
14. Bliżej piekła. [Utwór dramatyczny]. Powst. ok. 2012.
15. FC Gochy. [Słuchowisko radiowe]. Reżyseria: D. Odija. Muzyka: M. Dymiter. Polskie Radio (Koszalin) 2016.
16. Stolp. Komiks. Tekst: D. Odija. Rysunki: W. Stefaniec. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Komiksowe – Gildia Internet Services 2017, 116 s. Nowy Komiks Polski. Wyd. 2 Warszawa: Timof i cisi wspólnicy 2023.
17. Przezroczyste głowy. Rysunki: L. Franczak. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 2018, 198, [5] s.
Inne formy wydań
18. Stan wyjątkowy. [Dramat paradokumentalny]. [Dramaturgia:] D. Odija. Słupsk, Nowy Teatr im. Witkacego 2018.
19. Rita. [Komiks]. [Tekst:] D. Odija. [Ilustracje:] W. Stefaniec. Warszawa: Timof i Cisi Wspólnicy 2019, [5], 122-263, [6] s. Wyd. 2 tamże 2023.
20. Słupsk. [Album]. Koncepcja i projekt graficzny: L. Majewski. Fotografie: S. Składanowski. Tekst: D. Odija. Tłumaczenie: A. Basara. Olszanica: Bosz 2019, 159 s.
21. Pusty przelot. [Powieść]. Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne 2021, 189 s.
Inne formy wydań
22. Rege. [Komiks]. [Tekst:] D. Odija. [Ilustracje:] W. Stefaniec. Warszawa: Timof i Cisi Wspólnicy 2022, [17], 286-405, [8] s. Wyd. 2 tamże 2023.
23. Ale. [Wiersze]. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Warstwy 2024, 83 s.
Scenariusze filmów dokumentalnych
Scenariusze i komentarze do filmów dokumentalnych
Przekłady utworów literackich w antologiach zagranicznych
Inne formy wydań
[Odcinek] 1. B. Hrabal: Pociągi pod specjalnym nadzorem. Muzyka: M. Dymiter.
Wystawienia następne
[Odcinek] 2. S. Lem: Bajki robotów. Muzyka: M. Dymiter.
[Odcinek] 3. Antologia poezji metafizycznej. Muzyka: M. Dymiter. Śpiew: Z. Esden.
[Odcinek] 4. B. Schulz: Sklepy cynamonowe. Muzyka: M. Dymiter, W. Jachna.
[Odcinek] 5. L. Russolo: Sztuka hałasu. Muzyka: M. Dymiter.
Prace redakcyjne
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 2016.
• Daniej Odija [on-line]. Powst. 2020. Dostępny w Internecie: Zob. link [dostęp 8 marca 2023].
Autor o sobie
Słowniki i bibliografie
Podróże w miejscu
Zob. też Wywiady.
Recenzje adaptacji teatralnych
Tartak [Powieść]
Zob. też Wywiady.
Tartak [Utwór dramatyczny]
Zob. też Wywiady.
Szklana huta
Niech to nie będzie sen
Zob. też Wywiady.
Kronika umarłych
Zob. też Wywiady.
Zob. też Wywiady.
Stan wyjątkowy
Recenzje adaptacji teatralnych
Zob. też Wywiady.
Zob. też Wywiady.