Born on 12 November 1949 in Nowy Sącz into a peasant family; son of Władysław Fiut and Maria, née Rams. He spent his childhood in the village of Mostki near Stary Sącz, where his family had a farm. From 1963, he attended the Maria Curie-Skłodowska Grammar School in Stary Sącz. In 1967, he completed his advanced secondary education and started a degree in biology at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow, graduating in 1972. He also started studying philosophy at UJ in parallel from 1971, graduating with a master's degree in 1977. In 1975, he was appointed an assistant lecturer at the Department of Marxist Philosophy (later the Department of Philosophy) at the Institute of Social Sciences at the AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza – AGH) in Krakow. In 1978 he was appointed a member of the Polish Philsophical Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne). During his studies already, he took an interest in developments in poetry, becoming associated with the Tylicz and Wprost poetry groups that had formed among students of Polish philology at UJ. In 1970 he won third prize in a single-poem competition organized by the student Klub Nowy Żaczek in Krakow. He made his debut with a poem bearing the first line "na chodniku obok Luwru…" (on the pavement by the Louvre... – this was a fragment of a longer verse), which was published in 1981 in "Magazyn Kulturalny" (no. 3). He continued to publish in this periodical in subsequent years. His poems also appeared in periodicals including "Miesięcznik Literacki" (1983-86 and 1989) and in "Pismo Literacko-Artystyczne" (1989). He defended his doctoral thesis, Heglowska i Heideggerowska koncepcja niebytu i negacji (Hegelian and Heideggerian Concepts of Non-Being and Negation), at the Faculty of Philosophy and History at UJ in 1984. He was supervised by Prof. Władysław Stróżewski. Between 1984 and 1988 he served as head of the Department of Philosophy at INS AGH. In 1989 he was appointed to the Centre for Press Content Analysis at the Chair of Press Studies at UJ (Pracownia Analizy Zawartości Prasy w Ośrodku Badań Prasoznawczych UJ), serving as its director between 1990 and 1998. During this time, he was a member of the editorial board of both "Zeszyty Prasoznawcze" and the philosophy journal "Nowa Krytyka". In 1989 he co-founded the Lesser Poland Ornithological Society (Małopolskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne, remaining an active member and participating in its research. He received many awards for his role in this Society. From 1989 he collaborated with the local press, publishing reviews and poems in periodicals including "Gazeta Nowosądecka", "Kurier Starosądecki", "Znad Popradu", "Almanach Sądecki" and "Almanach Limanowski". In 1990 he became a member of the Krakow Artistic and Literary Club (Krakowski Klub Artystyczno-Literacki), which in 2000 became the Artistic and Literary Creative Association (Stowarzyszenie Twórcze Artystyczno-Literackie). He was editor of volumes of poetry published by the Club (later Association) and also authored postscripts for these publications. He participated in numerous literary events and festivals, including "Pożegnanie Lata Poetów" (Poets' Farewell to Summer; since 1990), "Krakowska Noc Poetów" (Krakow Poetry Night; since 1993), "Listopad Poetycki" (Poetic November; 2006 and 2009), and "Międzynarodowa Galicyjska Jesień Literacka" (International Autumn Literary Festival in Galicia; since 2009). In 1991 he became a member of the Polish Writers' Union (ZLP), serving several terms as chair of the Collegial Court and the Review Commission at the ZLP's Central Council. Between 1993 and 1998 as a member of the Board of the Krakow branch of ZLP, he was responsible for the Youth Circle (Koło Młodych). Between 1994 and 1998 he was founder and editor of the literary bulletin "Magdalenka Literacka" published by Śródmiejski Ośrodek Kultury cultural centre in Krakow. He also published his own texts here, likewise under the pen name Igor Mostowicz. He also published in periodicals including "Zeszyty Prasoznawcze" (intermittently between 1995 and 2015, using the pen name Igor Mostowicz), "Metafora" (1996 and 2000-01), "Koniec Wieku" (1996-2003, likewise using the pen name Igor Mostowicz), and in "Okolice Poetów" (2012). In 1994, he spent three months on an Austrian government fellowship at the Konrad Lorenz Institute in Altenberg. The same year, he was awarded a habilitation degree for his study Filozofia ewolucyjna Konrada Zachariasa Lorenza. Studium problemowe i historyczne (Konrad Zacharias Lorenz's Evolutionary Philosophy: A Problem-oriented and Historical Study). In 1997 he was appointed associate professor at AGH. In 1999 he was reappointed to the post of head of the Department of Philosophy (which in 2001 became part of the new Faculty of Applied Social Sciences at AGH, replacing the former Institute. In 2009 he became Chair of Cultural Studies and Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities at AGH, before becoming head of the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies within the Chair. In 2000 he was appointed to the editorial board of the quarterly "Forum Myśli Wolnej. Krakowski Magazyn Racjonalistów", becoming its deputy editor in 2005. In 2007 he became a member of the Polish Association of Social Communication (Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej). In 2008 he joined the editorial board of the monthly "Gazeta Kulturalna" and in 2009 of the quarterly "Hybrydy. Pismo Artystyczno-Literackie Stowarzyszenia Twórczego POLART". During this period, he published texts in periodicals including the journal of the Krakow branch of the Polish Writers' Union (ZLP) "Literat Krakowski" (2012-2015). In 2014 he was made full professor. He took trips to cities including Paris (1979, 1996, and 2013), Moscow (1986 and 1993), Vienna (1994 and 2010), where he held six-month research fellowships, London (2004) and Rome (2009). He has won various awards, including the Silver Medal of the Polish Students' Association (Zrzeszenie Studentów Polskich; 1970), the Silver Medal of People's Sports Clubs (Ludowe Zespoły Sportowe; 1972), and the Gold Medal for Services to the Nowy Sącz Voivodeship (1986).
He has two children: Joanna Paulina (b. 1974; married name: Bierówka) and Michał Władysław (b. 1997. She lives in Krakow.
1. Próba zapytywania. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Biblioteka „Pisma Literacko-Artystycznego” 1989, 30 s.
2. Prawo natury. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Kraków Klub Artystyczno-Literacki 1991, 21 s.
3. Człowiek według Alberta Camusa. Studium antropologii egzystencjalnej. Kraków: Kraków Klub Artystyczno-Literacki 1993, 122 s.
4. Zoologia rozumu. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Kraków Klub Artystyczno-Literacki 1993, 40 s.
5. Logika serca. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Kraków Klub Artystyczno-Literacki 1996, 44 s.
6. Światy poetów. Szkice literacko-filozoficzne z lat 1980-1996. Kraków: Kraków Klub Artystyczno-Literacki 1996, 116 s.
7. Wyznania Różowej Pantery. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Twórcze Kraków Klub Artystyczno-Literacki 1999, 39 s.
8. Czas na egzorcystę. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Twórcze Artystyczno-Literacki 2004, 53 s.
9. Kulturowa tożsamość poetów. Prezentacje i analizy. Kraków: AGH [Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza] Uczelniane Wydawnictwo Naukowe-Dydaktyczne 2008, 136 s.
10. Polisemia piękna. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Twórcze Artystyczno-Literackie 2009, 51 s.
11. Moja Samotrake. Wybór wierszy 1979-2009. Wybór: S. Franczak. Kraków: Towarzystwo Kultury Świeckiej 2011, 152 s.
12. Moje sny i inne wiersze. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus 2014, 43 s.
13. Tożsamości światów poetów = The identity of the poets worlds. [Szkice]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus 2014, 219 s. Wydział Humanistyczna Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej. Idee i Myśliciele. Wyd. z podtytułem The identity of the poets worlds tamże 2014, 235 s. , t. 17.
14. Współczesne transformacje medialne. Prasa bezpłatna, nowe media i etyka. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus 2015, 221 s. Wydział Humanistyczny Akademia Górniczo-Hutniczej. Idee i Myśliciele = Thinkers & Ideas.
15. Kultury literackie poetów. [Monografia]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus 2017, 191 s.
16. Wiedza w perspektywie ewolucyjnej. Wybrane stanowiska. [Współautor:] M. Urbaniak. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus 2017, 195 s.
17. Pegazowi prosto w oczy. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus 2018, 57 s.
18. Dusze. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus 2019, 45 s.
19. Myślenie ekofilozoficzne. Rozwój doktryny. [Monografia]. Kraków: Wydawnictwa Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej 2019, 186 s.
20. Tylko nie czytaj tego nikomu. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus 2020, s. 48.
Prace redakcyjne
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankiety dla IBL PAN 2011, 2013.