Born on 25 July 1963 in Częstochowa; son of Alfred Koehler and Łucja, née Czarnecka. He spent his childhood in Kłobuck. He attended the Vladimir Lenin Grammar School in Zabrze. After completing advanced secondary education in 1982, he studied Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow. He made his debut in 1987 with the poems Niemcy (Germans) and Bawaria (Bavaria), which appeared in the Paris-based quarterly "Zeszyty Literackie" (no. 2), and Elegia (Elegy), Klasztor cystersów (Cistercian Abbey), Mogiła (Grave), Kraków, Pani Stefanii P (For Mrs Stefania P.), Pochwała scholastyki (In praise of scholastics), which appeared in the underground publication „brulion” (nos 2/3; later titled "bruLion"), of which he was co-founder. He remained associated with "bruLion" until 1998 as a poet, critic and member of the editorial board (he also published under the names: krk; Krystian Ehle). He was awarded a master's degree from UJ in 1988. After completing military service at the Officer Cadet School in Leszno, he was a research assistant at the Institute of Polish Philology at UJ. His research largely focused on the Baroque period. He continued to publish works of literature. His poems, reviews and short literary essays appeared in periodicals including "Arka" (1993-94), "Czas Kultury" (1994-2000) and then largely in "Fronda" (1994-2000) and "Arcana" (from 1995). He also published in "Topos" (1997-2000), "Znak" (1998-99) and "Zeszyty Karmelitańskie" (2005-09). He also edited the supplement "Dodatek" of the newspaper "Czas Krakowski". He was awarded grants by the Foundation for Supporting Independent Polish Scholarship and Culture (Fundusz Pomocy Niezależnej Nauce i Kulturze Polskiej; 1991), the Copernicus Foundation (Fundacja Kopernikańska) and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. He collaborated with Polish Television (TVP), writing scripts for documentary films and dramas, and also co-editing several programmes on TVP 1: Goniec Kulturalny (1994-99; Cultural News) and Po Godzinach (2005; After Hours). Alongside Wojciech Wirowski he also co-presented Tacy sami (2001; Just the Same), a programme about disabled people. He received an award from the Writers' Association of Saxony. He was awarded a doctoral degree from UJ in 1994 for his dissertation Domek szlachecki w literaturze polskiej epoki klasycznej (XVI-XIX w.) (Noble Houses in Polish Literature of the Classical Period, 16th-19th centuries), which was supervised by Prof. Andrzej Borowski. In 2000, he took up a post at the Institute of Polish Philology at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw. The same year he taught a course on Central European culture at Rice University in Houston, USA. In 2001, he was awarded a grant by the Hubert Burda Foundation and the Kościuszko Foundation. Until 2002 he also taught courses on Polish literature and culture at the University of Illinois, Chicago, then in 2003 he taught at the University of Indiana, Bloomington. He was awarded a habilitation degree from UJ in 2004 for his study Stanisław Orzechowski i dylematy humanizmu renesansowego (Stanisław Orzechowski and the Dilemmas of Renaissance Humanism). In 2005, he was appointed associate professor at UKSW and took up the Chair of Old Polish Literature, Rhetoric and Bible Studies. He was head of the Commission for Employee Assessment, and then led the Commission for Academic Staff and Honours at the Faculty of Humanities (Komisja ds. Kadr Naukowych i Odznaczeń Wydziału Nauk Humanistycznych) at UKSW. Between 2006 and 2011, he worked at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the Ignatianum University (formerly the Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education Ignatianum), in Krakow. He was also a member of the editorial board of the Institute's periodical, "Perspektywy Kultury". During this period he also served as director of the television station TVP Kultura. He was on the Scientific Council of the Polish Book Institute in 2007. He joined the Social Committee for the Renovation of Krakow's Monuments (Społeczny Komitet Odnowy Zabytków Krakowa) in 2009. He was also a member of the Warsaw Scientific Society and the Scientific Council of the Museum of Literature in Warsaw. During this period he also published articles and reviews in newspapers and magazines including "Uważam Rze" (2011), "Rzeczpospolita" (2013-15) and "wSieci" (from 2013). In 2012, he launched an online project on Sarmatian culture, Palus Sarmatica (, which is being developed in collaboration with the Museum of Polish History in Warsaw. In 2016, he was appointed deputy director of the Polish Book Institute. That year he was also co-host of the TVP Kultura show Pegaz. He married Kinga Szostek in 1986; they have two daughters, Olga (b. 1989) and Anna (b. 1998). He lives in Krakow.
1. Canticum puerorum. [Oratorium]. Muzyka: E. Knapik. Libretto: K. Koehler. Prawykonanie: Katowice, Siedziba Narodowej Orkiestry Symfonicznej Polskiego Radia 2016. Druk: Canticum Puerorum na sopran, baryton, chór mieszany i orkiestrę. [Partytura]. Kraków: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne 2016, 181 s.
2. Wiersze. Kraków: Oficyna Literacka 1990, 42 s.
3. Nieudana pielgrzymka. [Wiersze]. Kraków, Warszawa: Fundacja „bruLionu” 1993, 83 s. Biblioteka „bruLionu”..
4. Partyzant prawdy. [Wiersze]. Kraków: „Acana”; Warszawa: Fundacja „bruLionu” 1996, 47 s. Biblioteka „bruLionu”..
5. Na krańcu długiego pola i inne wiersze z lat 1988-1998. Warszawa: „Fronda” 1998, 186 s. Biblioteka „Frondy”. Wyd. nast. łącznie z przekł. niemieckim: Am Rand des langen Feldes. Gedichte = Na krańcu długiego pola. [Przekł. i posłowie:] A. Woldan. Passau: Stutz 2006, 172 s.
6. Trzecia część. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 2003, 79 s. Wyd. nast. łącznie z przekł. niemieckim: Am Rand des langen Feldes. Gedichte = Na krańcu długiego pola. [Przekł. i posłowie:] A. Woldan. Passau: Stutz 2006, 172 s.
7. Stanisław Orzechowski i dylematy humanizmu renesansowego. Kraków: „Arcana”; Warszawa: Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 2004, 564 s.
8. Domek szlachecki w literaturze polskiej epoki klasycznej. Kraków: Collegium Columbinum 2005, 496, XV s. Biblioteka Tradycji.Seria 2, nr 32.
9. Porwanie Europy. [Wiersze]. Sopot: Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sopotu 2008, 47 s. Biblioteka „Toposu”, 41.
10. Od morza do morza. [Wiersze]. Poznań.: Wydawnictwo Wojewódzkiej Biblioteka Publicznej i Centrum Animacji Kultury 2011, 61 s. Biblioteka Poezji Współczesnej, t. 44.
11. Boży podżegacz. Opowieść o Piotrze Skardze. Warszawa: Sic!; Narodowe Centrum Kultury 2012, 343 s.
12. Krzysztof Koehler. Antologia. [Wybór wierszy]. Warszawa: Hachette 2013. Kolekcja Hachette. Poezja Polska.
13. Wnuczka Raguela. [Powieść]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo M 2014, 246 s.
Inne formy wydań
14. Palus sarmatica. Warszawa: Muzeum Historii Polski; Wydawnictwo Sic! 2016, 455 s.
Inne formy wydań
15. Rzeczpospolita, obywatelskość, wolność. Szkice o polskim pisarstwie politycznym XVI wieku. Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury 2016, 358 s.
16. Kraj Gerazeńczyków. [Wiersze]. Kraków: Arcana 2017, 79 s.
17. Obce ciało. Wiersze z lat 1989-2019. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 2019, 479 s.
18. Punkty krystalizacji. Szkice o literaturze staropolskiej. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Księgarnia Akademicka; Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie 2020, 280 s.
19. Święte wiosny. [Wiersze]. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy 2021, 60 s.
Artykuły w czasopismach i książkach zbiorowych,
Scenariusze filmów dokumentalnych
Scenariusze telewizyjne
Przekłady utworów literackich w antologiach zagranicznych
Prace redakcyjne
Inne prace redakcyjne
Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankieta dla IBL PAN 2013, 2024.
Autor o sobie
[Cz. Miłosz] Jan Syruć: Wiersze
Nieudana pielgrzymka
Zob. też Ogólne.