Born on 6 January 1949 in Lodz; daugher of the car mechanic Tadeusz Skompski and Irena, née Graczyk. She attended the Henryk Sienkiewicz Grammar School No. XVI in Lodz, where she completed her advanced secondary education. She wrote her first pieces of poetry in 1966, winning the Main Jury and Youth Jury awards in the Youth Poetry Autumn [Poetycka Jesień Młodych] competition. She made her debut in print in 1967 with the poem Moja chronometria [My chronometry], which appeared in "Odgłosy" (no. 47) and won first prize at the Lodz Single Poem Tournament. She started studying Polish philology at the University of Lodz (UŁ) in 1969. Her poems, columns, literary reviews and theatre reviews appeared in "Odgłosy" (1969-72 and 1987-89), "Twórczość" (1969, and intermittently 1981-89) and in "Nowy Wyraz" (intermittently 1972-76). After graduating with a master's degree from UŁ in 1974, she worked until 1975 as a teacher at a technical secondary school of economics in Lodz. From 1984 to 1994, she was a member of the Polish Writers' Union (ZLP). She started collaborating with multimedia artists, while in 1989 she became a member of the International Artists' Museum that organized the Construction in Process art festivals. She published theatre reviews in the journal "Teatr" in 1989. She wrote art criticism on contemporary art, including contributions to the periodicals "Kalejdoskop" (1990; as a regular contributor), "Obieg" (1990), "Odgłosy" (1990), "Bestseller" (1991), "Exit" (1991), and "Kresy" (1997), while also contributing numerous introductions to exhibition catalogues for Polish museums and art galleries from 1990. Between 1990 and 2004, she worked as a curator at the Museum of History of the City of Lodz, where she ran the Literary Workshop. She organized literary events and educational activities for middle school pupils. She also wrote the materials accompanying three permanent exhibitions on Jerzy Kosiński (1997), Karl Dedecius (1999) and Julian Tuwim (2000), as well as texts for temporary exhibitions. In 1992, she collaborated with the Peon V – Magart publishing house, where she edited the series Laureaci Nagrody Nobla [Nobel Prize Winners]. She joined the Polish Writers' Association (SPP) in 1995. That year she joined the programme council of the periodical "Tygiel Kultury", where she contributed, among other texts, the regular column Od róż do liter [From Roses to Letters; 1995-2013], while in 2003 she joined the Chapter of the Z. Dominiak Prize established by the periodical. Between 1999 and 2002, she served on the jury of the J. Bierezin National Poetry Competition. From 2000 to 2002, she was co-presenter of the cultural series Skala wrażliwości [Scale of Sensitivity], directed by P. Słowikowski and broadcast on Polish Television's Lodz station. She was awarded the prize of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in 2006. She received the Bronze Cross of Merit in 1989 and the Meritorious Activist of Culture honour in 1989. She married the poet and satirist Jan Czarny in 1984. He died the following year. In 2001, she married the neurosurgeon Krzysztof Zapałowicz. She lives in Lodz.
1. Miłość śmierć totalizator sportowy. [Wiersze]. Warszawa 1974, 20 s. Arkusz poetycki, nr 4.
2. Dopóki płonie. [Wiersze]. Warszawa: Czytelnik 1981, 58 s.
3. Bez powodu. [Wiersze]. Warszawa: Czytelnik 1986, 61 s.
4. Przygody kota Kacpra i myszki Lulu. [Opowiadanie dla dzieci]. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Łódzkie 1987, 62 s.
5. Wakacje na Guziku. [Opowiadanie dla dzieci]. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Łódzkie 1987, 90 s.
6. „Uwaga” 1989 nr 5. [Wiersze, eseje]. Łódź: Galeria Wymiany/Exchange Gallery Józefa Robakowskiego 1989, 40 s. powielone.
7. Pewien przechodzień = Un certain passant. [Wiersze]. Przeł.: N. Gourgaud, W. Pietrzak. Wstęp: F. Bellet-Morel. Łódź: Oficyna Bibliofilów 1994, 38 s.
8. Poezja i fotografia. Fotografie: A. Mikołajczyk. Wstęp: S. Szydłowski. Legionowo: Miejski Biblioteka Publiczna 1994, 40 s.
9. Chińska restauracja. [Wiersze]. W: Pięć łódzkich arkuszy (A. Biskupski, L. Skompska, K. Smoczyk, J. Jarniewicz, P. Grobliński). Łódź: Biblioteka 1995.
10. Wiersze wybrane. Łódź: Biblioteka 1997, 161 s.
11. Farby wodne. [Wiersze]. Kraków: a5 2001, 37 s.
12. Zakryte / odkryte. [Wiersze]. Warszawa: Nowy Świat 2005, 55 s.
13. Od róż do liter. [Felietony]. Łódź: Fundacja Anima „Tygiel Kultury” 2006, 153 s.
14. Poezja na co dzień. Wybór wierszy. Łódź: Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich. Oddział; Fundacja Anima „Tygiel Kultury” 2009, 181 s.
15. Czarne wnętrze czarny dach. [Wiersze]. Łódź: Dom Literatury w Łodzi. Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich. Oddział w Łodzi 2021, 43 s. Białe Kruki Czarne Owce, 14.
16. Ani rozmiaru ani skali. [Wiersze]. Łódź: Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich. Oddział; Fundacja Anima „Tygiel Kultury” 2023, 37 s. szumy zlepy ciągi, 57.
Przekłady utworów literackich w antologiach zagranicznych
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Omówienia i recenzje
• Ankiety dla IBL PAN 2008, 2009, 2024.